This brawl is a joke and threatens PVP in World of Warcraft

If it meant that the queues could come back together, I would be 100% down with this.

Maybe it’s prelude to an in game tutorial for brand new players (other than tooltips and what you find on the official website). Maybe this is just a freebie brawl. Don’t let it distract you from these AI names though. xD

better question, does the brawl count towards the weekly 4 wins?

That would be really cool, especially if instead of removing the deserter’s character entirely it the AI piloted it like a puppet.

“At Least We Have Blacksmith” must be the AI raid’s guild

Any alliance teams get graveyard camped yet?

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And you don’t think they have not done that before?

Why would they come back together?

Why wouldn’t they if Blizzard could find a way to balance levelers and twinks with something like Ilvl boosts, or not allowing premades or something.
Neither side should be punished for playing the game.

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Funny you mention that, I was just thinking the same thing. The solo twink wasn’t the issue.

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Are you saying that we should remove groups Juga?

Possibly, from low level BGs. 120 is a different story as everyone is clumped in one big bracket.

Interesting. Can’t see it happening though.

Definitely not. 1 twink could not turn the tides of a BG lol.

I have lost many, many Bg’s where we had a twink who would whisper me “heal me and I will wreck these guys!” and then they die because the other team ganged up on them and deleted them before I could double holy word: serenity them lol.

Even if 20 twinks queue at the same time, there is no guarantee they would wind up in the same BG anyway.

I queue against my friends all the time, and rarely see one another in the same BG.


I mean, it’s a better option than outright removing people from BGs.


Might as well have templates low level imo.

Why? That kind of removes the fun of playing with stats.

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You were a huge advocate for templates in Legion.

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Yes I was, at max level, where you are only rewarded for a win.

I never thought I would see the day when Blizz would bring out an entire bot team in PvP. I thought those days of fighting bots were behind us.