"this action is restricted" when trying to use AH or trade. Why?

even some of the NPCs are packing up.


this is to combat bots and the truth is, you donā€™t want bots to go away. people are going to blame the ā€œinflationā€ on incursions but the reality is the price of mats is going to go up 10-20x because bots will no longer be farming them and listing them for dirt cheap.

this is an actual you think you do but you dont moment. theyre gonna need to increase nodes and quantity of mats from nodes.

edit: lmao mats across the board are 150% or higher market price.

If I had known there would be restrictions of this nature, I probably wouldnā€™t have resubscribed to WoW to try hardcore with my friends. So, Iā€™m in 100% agreement with you. It definitely would have affected my decision.

I agree its a dumb move.

But it only affects SoD. Your sub still letā€™s you have full access to era, retail and wotlk unfettered.

I mean idgaf, Iā€™m personally not anti gdkp, but I hate bots. They could easily fix this issue with some in game managers but they are too busy treating their employees like horse pucky in the Cosby room. Itā€™s weird for them to do this on a seasonal server as opposed to say cataclysm.

If your account has not yet consumed at least 30 days of game time, you must wait until this criteria is complete before you can access these features.

from the blizzard.com do they mean 30 gameplay hours or RL days?

So, Iā€™m hit by this issue, and canā€™t trade/mail/use the AH in season of discovery. I guess my years of playing this game donā€™t matter because Iā€™ve been paying for my sub with wow tokens for as long as they have been available.

I bought 60d game time on the blizz store using my blizzard store balance. Can someone tell me if that counts as ā€œreal moneyā€ (as mentioned in https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000358296)? Or, do I need to actually use a credit card for this?

I suggest everyone who has issues with AH, Trade, or MAIL, AFTER paying actual money to subscribe to file a complaint, or review, of blizzard entertainment, with the Better Business Bureau. This new change should only apply to NEW subscribers not people who have already subscribed as this restriction was not described BEFORE subscribing. Especially for players who have played Blizzard games in the past. They changed our ability to play the game AFTER paying money without 0 NOTICE and initially made it seem like it was a BUG. This is most likely ILLEGAL and likely violates customer - business agreements.