This "20 year anniversary" SUCKS

Bro, your profile already show that you have the 100 token achievment, you literally just run TW dungeons/raids at this point for all the tokens you could ever need.

You’re literally just trolling at this point

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show me one game as huge as wow that posts it’s patch notes in-game.

I’ll wait.

I have collected all the tier 2 sets, all the event cosmetics, even the little doombringer pet.

and now for the next… however many months this event is going on for… It’s all just gravy. I can convert the tokens into timewarped badges or something so they aren’t completely useless I guess.

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there’s a ton of new rewards for TW badges. absolutely worth converting them!

I avg about 100 a week.

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Honestly? And I’m not saying this to be rude, but you get a ton of tokens just by…playing. Weekly chests give a ton, just doing LFR gives a ton, you can spam TW and get a ton…

If you don’t want to do things that give you said tokens, that’s all well and good, but it’s not ‘bad game design’, it’s more…you don’t want to do them.

The bad game design is the part where this information isn’t readily available to end users by playing the game.

Nowhere does it say LFR will give you these tokens, for example.

If you’re playing multiple toons you can move bronze tokens between characters in the currency tab.


Because of the tokens and i think its any difficulty but i dont raid these days so cant confirm.

Look at wowhead

And before you say you shouldnt have to go to wowhead, i dont really care. the internet is there and if you want to efficiently farm tokens youd take the 5 minutes to look.

But stay mad and tokenless instead i guess


I have all the armor sets I want already, going to get the rest anyway because completionist brain.

Still, it’s badly designed and poorly implemented.

That “garbage” is someone else’s idea of fun.

Other people can like things you don’t.


How does that make it a bad celebration? Celebrations are more than just a discount on what ever merchandise is sold.

Because it’s frustrating and annoying.

What?! Only 14?? You get 2 for every Time-walking dungeon. Participate in the activities they offer, THATS why you only getting 14 in a week :man_facepalming:t5: :man_shrugging:t5: :v:t5: After week 2 of the anniversary I was turning in bronze for TW badges because I had gotten all the Tmog ensembles, titles and toys that you could with the bronze tokens. And if you have alts the event was even easier


You only get 2 per dungeon after you have acquired 100, for some reason. Also, Timewalking dungeons suck and give nothing worth the time to run them for.

Ok Trollham, good luck to you since the obvious and simple solutions aren’t good enough :rofl: :v:t5:

It is not the celebration that is frustrating and annoying. It is the expectation that some sort of give away associated with the celebration is not what you expect it to be.

If you get invited over to someone’s house to celebrate their birthday do you find it frustrating, annoying and a failed celebration if you don’t like the flavor of the birthday cake they give you?

I have absolutely no idea what you’re on about.

They been saying “Go on a shopping spree with the anniversay and get decked out in all these cosmetics” when in reality it’s simply not the case, at all.

The thing is, it really doesn’t take long to get the rewards tied to the Tokens. Even if you’re strictly sticking to PvE content, you get a multitude from each of the normal weeklies (WQ weeklies in zones, Worldsoul I believe?, Awakening, Light Remnants, Delve weekly, Timewalking weekly, one run of the last wing of BRD, Chromie Time, and then calendar weeklies). You can very easily have most, if not all of the cosmetics within a week or two of going for them, and you’ll get a decent chunk just doing stuff you’re already probably doing.


For me my issue with the event isn’t token acquisition, it’s just that I find it really boring. Like, being dragged out of bed on a Sunday by your parents to go to church when you’d rather be sleeping in kind of boring.

The fair grounds are even very drab and depressing with all moody, washed out colours. Its very strange. And yeah I know the caverns of time is a thing but Tanaris sucks.

Honestly, should have made a fair ground zone you can port to that was colourful and fun with all your daily activities in one spot…

Anyway, I forced myself to do a little bit but hate it so much I am just completely abandonning it. Games are supposed to be fun. :upside_down_face: