This "20 year anniversary" SUCKS

What do you even want dude, seriously how freaking lazy are you?

Nothing you have said is even remotely legitimate, you are the most obvious out of pocket troll I have ever seen on these forums.

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i feel like ive bought everything and i have hundreds of tokens with nothing to spend them on. you get them from almost everything. killing the world boss, finishing the raid, weekly quests… etc.

Per an alt and they’re transferable.

So if you do more then one character then you’ll have more, you can also do other activities to earn currency other then the dailies. Timewalking for example, it’s 2 tokens a dungeon from start to finish not limited of how many times you can do it.

Rotate alts wash, rinse, repeat.

So incredible NOT FUN to do…

Are you on drugs? You get enough tokens from just doing your world content to hit the achievment to make them endlessly farmable in just 1 week now.

I’ve been turning my tokens into timewarped badges for over 2 weeks because I literally bought every thing after less than 2 weeks of doing the event.


i complained at first about the rate of acquiring bronze tokens but now i have so many i am buying the ugly xmogs that i didn’t even want

drag all your alts out there to do whatever content is available. i skip the inconvenient “3 w-boss” weekly because :puke:. i hate them dragons. i only do the Chromie thing with a handful of alts (five minutes of your time/practically afk) and don’t even do the blackrock stuff. do the detective stuff and the ransom notes (but i’m not sure if that will get you bronze tokens or just the mount. i’d like to complain about the horrid lack of fun on THAT, but i’ll save it for another post…)

nah, i’ll complain here. whomever came up with some of that stuff is NOT a good person. its disjointed and most of the puzzles aren’t even fun. needing not only toys but pets and back pieces? are you kidding me? tempted to leave an alt outside the pandaria portion just so people who don’t have the bloody eyeball toy can continue with the questline. Ugh…

Yeah it’s more so just really annoying. Especially those “wander around the world for 28g, a hat, and 4 coin” quests. My god whoever made those quests should never be allowed to touch the games quests again holy smokes