The Secret World did this.
as cool as it sounds, it really wasnt in practice. sure it made for some interesting specs but in the end most didnt work well (as some key abilities couldnt function with one another) and often one would just to resort to typical archetype builds.
Yeah, that seems likely. At the top of my head I can think of 5 wow abilities that if one had would turn into the most cancerous player ever.
I am not getting on that hype train, not that I even feel excited for it to even get to that point.
MMORPGs are the only genre I’m very picky about and based on what I’ve seen, it doesn’t look interesting and it will likely repeat the same mistakes other MMOs made if you even want to call it a MMORPG.
- I don’t like the ESO feel, I cant stand that game and never want anything to do with it again (except for the beautiful landscape, some of them look better than the singleplayer Elder Scrolls games, but that doesn’t mean it’s fun).
- I hate the ability to participate in multiple roles on a single character such as a warrior that can cast mage abilities, lots of new MMOs try to sell this garbage feature.
- It’s made by Amazon, a company I’ve never liked for other reasons linked to political controversies.
- Most of those games release unfinished, with the rest of the game slowly being added in expansions. This is among the worst practices in the gaming industry, second to lootboxes/MTX.
- It won’t have dungeons or raids, it’s instead having world bosses be the replacement for raids and dungeons, this is probably my most disliked “feature”.
- MTX is confirmed for it, not sure if it will be P2W but that pretty much has me sold on never trying it.
- Lastly it just doesn’t look fun, I’ll keep an eye out for it in the meantime but I just don’t feel it with that game.
Will there be questing, raids, or dungeons? Or is this a sandbox heavily relying on other players making the content? And if so, does it give the players enough adequate tools to make content?
I saw the trailer months ago when it was released, and I still know absolutely nothing about the game, so that coupled with the fact that I don’t trust a virtual mall to make a good game, it seems not too interesting to me.
I almost think that’s what’s making me turn my eye to it, I have no idea about it, I haven’t had some streamer tried to sell it to me yet and I haven’t been flooded with the hype train
That’s really it, there’s been no attempt to advertise this at all. I can get that they’d want to do word-of-mouth (not that they can’t advertise for free anyway) but there’s still no information at all about this ‘game’, it’s just a movie trailer so far.
Roman Legion vs Conquistadors and corrupted statues from Guild Wars Nightfall’s Elona area. That’s what the game is about.
It reminds me a bit of dark souls with the control scheme.
It’ll be a decent game if…
There are various classes. Everyone being the same is kind of boring. I know RuneScape everyone could be the same but there was different builds people specialized on.
There’s a coherent story and progression system. If all we do is attack each other and build forts, it’s going to get old really fast. Seems almost like a fortnite spin off
Everything I’ve seen points to it being another big budget “we’re making the same mistakes that 10 other companies have made” flop.
I think one of the problems is that if you can’t run it on a toaster you’ve already lost a very large player base.
MMORPG players don’t want to play MMORPG’s, they want to play WoW.
I might give it a shot, pretty much lost all interest in WoW these days. Looks like it’ll be different than the typical MMO.
Non fantasy, or possibly post apocalyptic, PVP based. No thanks
Is that the weird “mmorpg” that’s really another Minecraft survival game? Just gonna toss it into the trash alongside all the other survival games, right next to all those battle royal games.
They lost me at no classes i played no classes MMorpg before they are meh from my exp so far.
sick looking mog sir!
Apparently the only MMO you’re not allowed to talk bad about on the GD is FFXIV.
Talk crap on WoW?
Talk crap on Classic?
Talk crap on New World?
Talk crap on literally any other MMO
Talk crap on FFXIV
They do that because FF14 doesn’t really have the biggest fanbase and because it’s similar to WoW as well as a crossover between JRPG and Western RPG, they try recruiting WoW players into it assuming they would be the most likely to like it. Sure it has a lot of registered accounts but 17k average players online isn’t really something to brag about when it comes to a MMO.
It is also very overrated, particularly among redditors and “WoW refugees”. Don’t fall for the people trying to say how the grass is greener on the other side, I made that mistake with Guild Wars 2.
Sure they do give an off topic forum and for games too.
But they do have forum for games that aren’t WoW.