Third Spec: Bow Wielding?

It seems to me that a ranged bow-wielding spec is the most natural addition if Demon Hunters get a third spec. This was the direction Blizz went with Demon Hunters in Diablo III, provides a different role (ranged dps) than what they currently have available, and provides WoW with another ranged physical dps spec that utilizes a bow outside of Hunters, easing that monopoly that Hunters have on bows.

Really wondering why it hasn’t happened yet. Thoughts?

Edit: Look up Ace Hunter Kreen


I think it would be cool but not if they deal physical dmg. Would def want it to be magic dmg, preferably chaos dmg and unkickable so it wouldnt worry about lockouts. Be like a magic dmg marks hunter that also could shoot lasers out of their eyes. Would be the anti plate version of MM hunt to keep even more casters in check in pvp but also tough for melee cleaves


I would like to see them get a mid range spec like devokers with 25y range. It would suit their mobility and they could just throw their glaives which would make it easy to swap specs still as all would still use the same weapons.


I’d rather have the option to wield 2h swords instead of bows, but thats just me. That and sometype of talent like dk’s clawing shadows that makes melee attacks gain some range and deal chaos damage.


No we get to ride in a Glaive Thrower like in IoC


This is exactly what I would want - maybe the dual cross-bow wielding…mid range would be fine with me. Everyone that says lore doesn’t support it - maybe not but the Diablo franchise does exactly this with a class of the same name. I love my DH but also love ranged classes way more and this would instantly become my main if they did this. I also feel (like others have said) that DH being the ONLY class with only 2 specs at this point sucks…because if HAVOC is designed poorly by devs (not saying it is or is not at this point), then you are stuck with tanking, and if tanking is badly designed for an expansion, you are stuck with one DPS…at least give us a third option…how often do we see Blizzard having one of three specs in the gutter while the other two are at least OK…


I think this is an important point that devs are ignoring. Having the same flexibility as other classes to change specs without having only one other option would be a huge plus, regardless of how that spec plays.

I definitely like the idea of weaving in Chaos damage, I really think that’s the only way to go. Though the attacks, I imagine, would be physical but with an added Chaos effect. This way, if the bow-weilding version of Eye Beams/Fel Devastation gets kicked, you can still shoot your Chaos infused arrows.

I definitely would see this being a mid-range spec. Maybe using the spec designed “Fel Rush” to quickly jump into melee when you want to Eye Beam, or spin shooting arrows around you (again, D3). Jump out again to do a spread shot. I think it could turn out to be a really neat, unique playstyle.


would be so cool but they said nothing at blizzcon so i think DH is staying at 2 specs, demon form is just illidans demon casting fell balls.

The game does need more bow specs but im sure DHs would love a 2handed sythe built too. However i think giving DH a mid range option would be better


blizzard can just make something up, lore not supporting something means nothing when blizzard make the lore.

Could say during the dragon isle they needed range weapons and with there supreme eye sight and fell magic they started to use fel enchanted bows.

Bow spec pls. With optional throw glaives.


I"ve always thought this. A short-ranged class. Maybe 25yd like evoker, but ability to melee as well like surv hunter. Diablo’s demon hunter wields 2 crossbows, so blizzard is not unfamiliar with this concept.


Throw Glaives makes your next “Chaos” shot hit all targets hit by the glaives. :scream: so many possibilities!

I know it’s not something that’s likely to come next expansion. But it would be nice to happen Soon™.

Exactly my thought. Maybe not limited to 25 yards, as in bow abilities that are a regular part of the rotation could be used at 30-40 yards to be able to keep doing damage on the move, but you would normally want to stick to 25 yards or less because other abilities, such as its versions of Eye Beam and Fel Rush, are short to mid range. Immolation aura could have an increased radius as well.


Bow demon hunter would be amazing, its a shame blizzard isnt doing a third spec for demon hunter. Big Sad

I actually expected something like a new class or spec or something like that at blizzcon. Big sad


When it comes to adding additional specs / classes moving forward, I see DH getting a 3rd spec as the next step. They showed with Evokers they can go from 2 to 3 (albeit, already planned). But it sets precedence for adding specs through story, and I doubt they don’t know that the community wants a 3rd spec for it.

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I think it would make the most sense for a ranged DPS spec to be half physical glaive throwing and half ranged fel damage with the talent tree.

Warcraft 3 demon hunter metamorph ult just turned you into a ranged auto attacker spitting fel fire balls. And glaive throwing is clearly a big DH theme now.

Would also be interesting being a ranged DPS that uses a melee weapon for damage. As cool as bow DH could be I think it’s just too off cannon. If we had a magical archer I’d rather see a priestess of elune type. Like disc priest becoming a bow class and it’s either Elune or Dark Ranger themed.


I could see a Paladin Archer, not so much Priest. That may be because GW2 Guardians (closest thing to their version of Paladin) has a bow themed elite spec that plays well. That, and Paladins are all about physical + holy damage, whereas Priests only cast spells, weapons are for stats only.

But no, I’m not imagining a bow-weilding DH as being a “magical archer.” They’d still very much be physical damage, but with the added Fel damage that they currently also do. There’s plenty of room to add flavor such as throwing fel fire balls like you suggest from Warcraft 3, perhaps during Meta some abilities change (as some currently do). Get a bit of both worlds!

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Well paladins have never had any sort of real ranged in warcraft, but priestess of elune is very much a priest but with a bow so I felt like that just made sense.

Id argue the Staff Wielding Demon Hunter should be expanded upon (Or Polearm, remember than one in Legion). And/or something about lore but, this is Modern WOW, and I’m sure druids slept to enter the dream they didn’t sleep in the dream. Lore doesn’t matter, so why not! It’d be nice to have another class that uses bows!

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Pallys have heavy armor, bow with heavy armor to me seems kinda weird.

The one in legion had a Scythe even though that is a pole arm it is a Scythe. I would love to see if we do get a 3rd spec for it to be Scythe spec.