Third Faction

But it’s not. You are stating that Arcane is Nature when it is clearly not in WoW. It seems like you’re not trying to stay within the WoW universe at all with your talking point. Do you know WoW lore and the power architecture?

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At least be honest.

“Sorry for attempting to interact with people that will only agree with me”

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No, you’re just being meanspirited and you know it.

There is absolutely no love in this thread.

It’s a discussion. You should probably just walk away OP.

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I don’t see how I am being mean.

If I said something derogatory or negative towards you personally, I apologize. It was never my intent.

All I have attempted to do is discuss something that I feel goes against the established lore in WoW.

I can be sarcastic at times, and I know that can come off differently in text. So if that was it, I was not meaning to be “mean spirited”.

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You didn’t see a few of my questions directly to you as a person too.

You kept avoiding the fact that I was basically saying, “Hey, you, I’m a person too here, please remember that and pretend like we want to be talking to each other.”

Would this conversation have been at all tolerable in person?

No way.

I’d have left long ago.

You kept diving for the argument instead of realizing there’s a person here.

I’m sorry for suggesting so many bad ideas but honestly, I didn’t see you posit one thing in this thread that made me feel like you even cared the least bit about the conversation, beyond trying to verbally dominate someone with rote knowledge about the (exceedingly inconsistent) wow lore universe.

Bummer, I really did try.

Anyway, have a good morning everyone.

Lmao you are such a Drama Queen

Changing the title of the thread and everything… :rofl:


I would have been completely fine with having this conversation in person.

I didn’t think the over all idea was -bad-. I am not in favor of a 3rd faction, but I don’t think its bad on its own.

If there is a 3rd faction, I just would want it to line up with the established lore of WoW, or not directly conflict.

Very few ideas (mine included) are great ideas from the get go. I’ve had ideas trashed on the board. Its not a huge deal.

If anything, I think I really just disagreed with specific races (and the reasoning of) that were to be added to the faction. Not that there is a 3rd faction being asked for in itself.

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Thanks for that.

It’s a two way street, not a one way.

You can’t ignore what someone says over and over and then say it’s all good.

That really is frustrating.

No, it’s a good idea. Don’t let those forum leaches get to you. They will argue against every point no matter how good or valid it is.

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They got what they wanted.

Question. Do you feel abandoning and rewriting WoW Lore and copy/pasting in real world religious beliefs is a good and valid point to base future race alignments off of?

How are you going to start the argument back up again like that after all of this?

Seriously, do you see how much your tunnel vision is making you horrible to interact with?

I’m trying to get you to register some human emotion here.

Put the argument aside.

How are you doing today?

How am I starting the argument back up by literally not talking to the person tired of the argument?

Its weird that when someone says something about the argument that supports your side…you like em.

But if a person disagrees with you? Well. That is just not allowed.

I am doing great. :slight_smile:

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I’m about to take my cat outside on the patio for some fresh air.

Have a nice morning.

There is room for a nature faction with one goal in mind
it would be ablee to cooperate with the other two factions on as as needed basis or fight against them - zone specific.

The lore part can be worked out. I really don’t see how you think Cenarion circle, for example, is not valid lore.

I wouldn’t take it personally - 95% or more of the ideas made on this forum are bad. And I am not sure it is much better for the entire population for real life ideas either.

Who said anything about the Cenarion Circle not being valid lore?

I never commented on it.

Well we found the white knight

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This vision of many posters over the years is loosly based on lore, but not completely fleshed out. It doesn’t mean the idea has no merit.

If the earth needs the Cenarion Circle, for example, to come front and center pushing an agenda - actually recruiting a war alliance. Druids can go all in and leave their faction behind via quests. These would be joined by playable keepers of the grove and dryads. Every race that has druids should be able to join as well, so long as their magic is only one step removed from nature, for example, warriors, hunters, priest (but lose shadow and make disc more sustainable as DPS), pallidans, shaman, mages, rogues, and monks. No necromancer, shadow, or fel (DH, DK, forsaken, warlocks, blood elves, void elfs) but high elves OK, as well as humans, pandaren, trolls, Tauren…)

Putting this on this thread to see your response to this third faction idea. It would be neutral to horde and alliance except for certain zones where bad activity is rampant, mainly horde areas.