Third Faction

Faction Summary

Third faction which acts as a response to the activities of both the Horde and the Alliance, their Azerite mining and exploitation, deforestation, war and general lack of respect for Mother Nature (the real Heart, Mind and Soul of Azeroth).

It would be various nature-based races (with some demons sprinkled in) unifying against the failings of the other two factions, presumably all acting under the guidance of an ancient magic.


The essential gnomes of the faction since they’d be the very tiniest.

A pixie would ideally be about as small as a battle pet.

Forest Elves

(“Day Elves”, nature based faction of elves, opposite Night Elves)

For the sake of not getting caught up in a High Elf argument in this thread…

What I know is this: a lot of the arguing seems to be about simply wanting to play elves on whatever faction.

There’s no reason Alliance couldn’t have High Elves in addition to Forest Elves.

So let’s just leave this one at that.


Tree based spirits with ethereal bodies.

Whether you want them to look more like a tree versus a humanoid is kind of imaginatively up to you since I’m not really picking a side (could easily work like worgen in terms of transformation).

Conceptually, however, tree spirits make sense and giving them semi-transparent/ethereal bodies would be great.

FURTHERMORE (fun side idea) you could give tree spirits the racial passive of being able to see player ghosts.


Subset of Satyrs serving the forest creatures, presumably under some sort of pact or spiritual trade.


An essential warrior caste of centaurs coming to serve nature foremost.

Forest dwellers whose land has been threatened and now they’re pissed, organized and military minded.

They could be a real threat with the support of the other nature races.


Nature will never be confined to the forest.

The seas have something to say as well.

You could easily “puff up” the naga playable race with a few suggestions.

  1. Make the lady naga pretty like Azshara :blush:

  2. Male Naga get a “Deep Sea King” buff, so to speak

  3. Tentacles… tentacles everywhere



But we got told to mine Azerite by the world saving guy.


If there aren’t any Night Elves or Tauren, then it ain’t a Nature faction.


You can always choose to go against your own nature.

Seems like everyone’s been doing that lately.

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I’ve never once considered the centaur a nature based race. They have a slight connection to the elements, but are extremely warlike, savage, etc.

It’s better if you look at this post from the D&D perspective. OP just basically created the feywild in WoW. Only thing that’s missing are nymphs and the addition of Naga(which are completely different in D&D).

I can be down for this idea though.


I mean. Sure. But to be honest I don’t care about D&D lore in this context.

Yeah that’s my bad. Been playing the game for so long(D&D) I literally see references every where in WoW.

I am not trying to imply that D&D lore is bad, or that within the confines of certain things its not a great thing to reference or draw inspiration from.

Only that it shouldn’t over ride WoW lore when implementing things in WoW. I think it would be hard to have a nature based faction, when both Horde and Alliance have a major nature based race. Then on top of it, to throw in races that (within the WoW universe) aren’t really nature based. It would involve some hefty retcons/rewriting of things to make it fit.


All good you didn’t need to explain yourself. I really need to stop comparing the two to be honest. Oh and I do agree with your stance on this. I think it’d work better as a faction of NPC’s.

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Yeah because the story is pristine and utterly seemless right now.

Being consistent with WoW’s history means inherently opting for inconsistency.

They’re half horse.

However you want to explain that in WoW terms is fine.

I’d rather focus on making the story better than using it as a reason to make it worse.

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Okay, thanks for stopping by!

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Is not a bad idea, but will need too many retcons in a very short period of time, which is not good.

Night elves and Tauren should have the option to quest into this nature faction. It is a cool idea!

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Honestly, I’m glad you said something because that would be pretty cool since you could do the same with the “Day Elves” (e.g. Blood Elves).

Time to grab your bugout bags and head to the forest, y’all!


I couldn’t imagine splitting up the player-base even more. We already have most players who play end game content playing Horde, leaving Alliance near dead except for roleplayers and extreme casuals. Next we have Classic coming in a month, so there’s more people gone. Now you want an even greater split? I don’t believe the already shrinking WoW population could work with that.

Yeah, well, maybe it’s time for the current WoW leadership to admit the direction they’ve taken the game has caused enough dropoff that, perhaps, it’s time to try something completely different.

Three factions wouldn’t be a problem.

It’s all the underlying issues you’ve alluded to through the subscription/population problem that need addressing in the first place, otherwise a third faction ultimately wouldn’t “save” anything.

In other words, it’s a fun idea, but I don’t propose that this idea alone would fix the population woes.

I concede it would be a lovely “yes and…” to a number of much needed changes.

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What about Blood Elves screams “nature loving elves” to ya? :stuck_out_tongue: