Third Faction


I’ve taken over the discussion by discussing your topic.

Got it.

Overly dramatic much?

You don’t want brainstorming. Brainstorming implies that you may change your idea. Because something may be wrong with it. You want everyone to agree with you.


I don’t want to be one of those people that slams other people down in an argument, but I have people arguing with me about Arcane magic not being “nature based” when they link me an image of Arcane magic as a mere component of what’s clearly a ripoff of the Kaballah (e.g. Tree of Life).

Nature is absolute, y’all.

Please understand.

I had high hopes for this thread but it’s become something so ugly.

Well ok then, this explains a lot.


I’m just like…I dont know, I mean, its like… I dont know. Anyways…

Why not revert to some character assassination?


Can you show me how arcane magic is nature based?

I bet proving your point would go a long way.

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Well, if you prefer to take that as character assassination instead of a comment that’s germane to your interpretation of magic that runs directly counter to the in-game lore then be my guest.

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I need you to really consider the word nature and what it really means.

Once you understand nature, you will come to understand all of reality.

This is not an exaggeration.

This is a literal truth that can be discovered through a number of means, including meditation.

Nature is nature, it is the way about ways, and what a way is is nothing more than an old thing by which you travel because all ways already exist in the totality, e.g. ‘The All’.

That is, there is no “new way” there is simply “the way” which is your present nature.

So…is that a ‘no’?

Because I need you to show me in WoW Lore, how Arcane magic is nature based.


OP I think you would be better off stating that this faction is a Primal Faction.

We’re talking about WoW lore though… an din Warcraft lore, Arcane is not from nature

562 votes and 93 comments so far on Reddit


See: en.wikipedia dot org/wiki/Tree_of_life_(Kabbalah)

That’s essentially the ‘Tree of Life’.

I don’t care about Kabbalah in relation to this conversation.

Kabbalah has nothing to do with WoW’s lore.


That is not related to WoW nor is it what WoW bases it’s nature/magic etc off of


The emperor is fully clothed, I agree.

I’m using nature in human terms.

If that doesn’t mesh with your “WoW understanding” of the word you’re going to have a tough time talking with me from here on out.

I don’t know why you keep trying to apply real word mysticism to WoW’s lore.

How much of WoW’s Lore are you wanting to completely re-write to make this work?

I see.

You are using terms that have absolutely no relevance, and trying to apply them to WoW.

Yeah. Good luck trying to use things like that to push for a change.


OP, on your chosen races…

Naga aren’t Nature based humanoids. They are Highborne and that society looked down on Druidism. No it hasn’t changed in 10,000+ years either because of how we interact with them on Azeroth all the time.

Centaurs aren’t really into nature either, they’re more shamanistic.

Satyrs in the WoW Universe aren’t really tied to preserving Nature…they’re more about corrupting it.

Forest Elves, these guys are Night Elves mixed with Drow Elves in the WoW Universe.

Really the best races you’ve compiled for a ‘Nature Faction’ is Dryads and Pixies. However, the Nature Faction already exists within WoW as well, it is the Cenarion Circle.

This is and has always been a discussion about WoW… Why would you bring your unrelated terminology into this and think it would have any bearing on the conversation whatsoever?


I don’t know why you’re so resistant to it when the game’s obviously chock full of mysticism and mythology references from every walk of life.

I’m blown away by your tenacity to argue against nothing, for nothing, and seemingly for no reason.

I feel like grunt horde NPCs that can reach the throne of Anduin in Stormwind should turn automatically into kings.

See, this is how it works in checkers. And that is how it should work in WoW.