Third Faction

Arcane energy is just old nature.

Akin to the Cetra of FF7.

I agree.

No, it’s not. It’s time to stop doing new stuff and go back to the tried and true ways we had before, back when the old development team had millions upon millions of players.

The Alliance side is near dead for end game, this isn’t some secret or conspiracy theory. We don’t need 2 dead factions and split the players up even more.

All new ways are just revisited old ways.

A directional change must occur.

It already did, and it doesn’t seem to be working.

But Blood Trolls are called Blood Trolls because they use Blood magic. They aren’t Arcane Trolls.

Blood Magic is a “form of tortured life magic”.

Torturing life magic, sounds very anti-nature to me.

They explained it rather well. Cenarius son got wasted and slept with a 1/10 resulting in the Centaurs and his untimely death when he sobered up and tried to leave.

And you somehow think nature isn’t savage? :slight_smile:

You are a frustrating individual to interact with.

You’re almost intentionally avoiding understanding for the sake of being contrary.

Excuse me…what?


Many people seem to think this same thing about others who don’t agree with what they have to say.

Have a good day.

Sure, it can be savage. But from what I understand of the centaurs they don’t really care about nature itself. They’d rather wage war on each other, the tauren, etc.

Lengthy wars by someone that has shown no inclination to like nature, combined with a certain savagery, often carries an implication of a negative effect upon nature. (Cutting down of trees, etc for war assets).

I’m saying it because you intentionally skipped half my post in a quote and then acted like I didn’t say what I said.

this is why blood elves aren’t allowed to be Druids

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Please explain Arcane, my friend.

I don’t know enough centaur lore/history to really comment on that bit, but assuming you’re right and they don’t care about the natural world except as a source of war supplies then you absolutely have a point.

Ever hear of the ‘Tree of Life’?


From what I understand (I disclaimer this because its always possible I missed something), the depth of any connection they have is more element based. They have shamanism roots. They have a loose belief that the Earth Mother exists. Per Chronicles, though, they have a pretty lesser view of really diving into nature/shamanism, though. Outside of the occasional chieftain that has had a more direct connection to an elemental.

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Ever hear of Warcraft lore?
It doesn’t have ‘day elves’, ‘pixies’ or considers arcane ‘old nature’?
Warcraft has night elves, not ‘forest elves’, wisps not ‘pixies’, dryads are daughters of Cenarius not random nature spirits of mysterious origin, keepers of the grove are Cenarius’ sons, Satyrs are night elves whom turned into literal demons from the war of the ancients, not nature spirits, and naga are old god cursed Highborne that terrorise every creature living in the sea that hasn’t submitted to their tyranny and dark magic, they are antithetical to nature.


You don’t seem open to new ideas.

Defending stagnancy is your choice.

Furthermore, you give far too much credit to the existing lore’s… consistency.