Thinking for transferring to WrA


I am seriously thinking of transferring to WrA because I am looking for a server and guild which is friendly and active. I have always played on Oceanic servers but I have now moved to the US and I have been trying to find a new home. I have tried a few major servers like Stormrage and Area 52 but I have found them to be largely dominated by very competitive players which isn’t how I like to play the game.

I’m considering that the RP community is probably more suited to how I would like the enjoy WoW because I met a lot of great pugs from RP servers and had a lot of fun with them. I have been browsing this forum and other sources and I’m extremely interested in becoming a part of this server. However, I have a couple of reservations before I do transfer and I was hoping some people from the server might give me their insight.

Firstly, have never RP’d before and it’s something that I would love to try out. However, I’m a little anxious to join since I’m worried about not doing it right or offending people unintentionally. There’s a lot of resources on this forum, which I have slowly browsed through, but I’m still not confident that I’ll be RP-ing the “correct” way. How forgiving is the server for new players trying to RP? Are events open to new players too? Essentially, I am worried about becoming isolated on the server because I RP badly or because I don’t meet requirements to join in RP events (which all sound super fun!).

Secondly, how many casual AOTC focused guilds are on the server and are open to recruitment? I love raiding and used to raid in two AOTC guilds during legion and dabbled a bit in mythic raiding. It was a bit hard keeping up my raiding schedule in BFA because guilds were falling apart and I was flying between Australia and the US a lot. However, now that I am in the US permanently I would love to get back into raiding for Shadowlands. I want to join a guild that is active and aims for AOTC, any maybe do dungeons or bgs together as well. I really miss working hard with my guildies in progression and the satisfaction of getting a hard boss down as a team. I don’t really mind if I don’t end up getting AOTC, as long as the guild has fun raiding together. I usually main a healer (druid/monk/holy priest) but I am open to trying dps too. Are there many guilds on the server that would fit this kind of profile?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post :slight_smile:


Hi Holykoko. My guild is rebuilding for Shadowlands and it would be good to get some new people in the guild that are aiming to get AoTC. You can shoot me a whisper in game. I am on now.

WRA has a good community that seems to be coming back for SL as well. I think you’d feel welcome here.



To your first point, I encourage you to not worry too much about making mistakes while you learn. While there will always be some unpleasant people out there, most RPers on WrA are inclined to be patient and helpful – especially if they know that you’re new. I recommend putting an OOC note in your profile add-on of choice to let people know that you’re trying to learn the ropes.

To your second question: I don’t raid much, so this isn’t a very informed opinion, but there seem to be multiple guilds on WrA that pursue AotC. It looks like there are more of them on Horde than Alliance, but I think you should be able to find something on either side.

I hope you find what you’re looking for and enjoy WrA!


Join only if you like fun and good times. Otherwise GET OUT

You can check us out if you’d like. We focus on AoTC and M+ and only raid 1 night a week. You can add myself or our GM on if you wanna chat.

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Thanks for replying Grimmox! I think I just missed you in game. I haven’t transferred yet but I’ve made an alt so that I can ask you a couple of questions, if you don’t mind. I will try and catch you later tonight!

Thank you @Eledris for your encouraging words. You’ve made me feel a lot better about trying out RP on WrA :slight_smile: Hopefully I will bump into you one day on the server!

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I used to play on Black Dragonflight and Turalyon and I am happy to call WRA home now. You never know what will happen! Theres some really nice RP groups and events that would gladly help an RP newbie.

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Wyrmrest is friendly to new rpers. The Wyvern’s Tail tavern (i think… the one closer to Azshara) hosts many rpers and is a good way to learn the ropes since there are so many different players rping. :smiley:
On content, I havent raided since early Legion pretty much (didnt get aotc/herioc mount last expac) so not sure about that. I love random bgs, there are a couple pvp guilds here (horde) but theyre mass invite iirc. There also seem to be a bunch of tauren based guilds here too.

Hope this helps!!

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Switching over to this server was the best thing that I ever did. Now a short time later I am the GM of a guild that has an interest in the same things you are. We have a handful of people excited for raiding and mythics in Shadowlands and they raid with some other guilds that we RP with. We also have a very welcoming RP group with new RPers in our guild. Your anxieties are noted. However once you try it and immerse yourself, you’re gonna love it. Feel free to DM me in game!



Firstly: Welcome to the best decision of your WoW career!
I started on a PvE server, but when I switched to WrA during Wrath, I was hooked!

Secondly: take your time getting onto the RP scene! If you like, you can always sit back and watch RP before jumping in. Out in the open, its typically just fine to jump right in when you’re comfortable. If you’re not sure, ask if you can join.

If I’m on Horde, I’m on Rahnook (Zandi Druid) or Waedrin (Belf Hunter) a lot. Feel free to give me a holler if you want to try RPing one on one. And I have the hot-headed woman named Lilywell.
Hotoh seems a cool dude. I’m enjoying the Mendwalker Clan so far. Small guild still, but decent folks. I like them.

If/when you do get to RPing, remember a two things:
1: You are in control of your character. Nobody should ever emote your character doing/reacting. Only you! This goes both ways: do not emote anyone else’s character.
2: God modding is very much frowned upon. This means, your character cannot lose and everything is handed to them. “Mary Sue” / “Gary Stu” is a common label.

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A third thing I’d like to add to this that may go without saying OOC (Out of character) doesn’t equal IC (In character). Just because a person may be rude to your character IC don’t take it personally OOC, likewise don’t let your OOC feelings towards someone effect how your character reacts to them.

With that, welcome to Wyrmrest!


Thank you everyone for your replies! I’m honestly surprised at how many I’ve received so far. You have all helped relieve my worries and I’m now quite confident in making the jump to WrA. It’s really nice to finally see people who enjoy their server and the community they play with. I’m really excited to explore the Shadowlands with you all!

Also, thank you for those RP tips. It’s going to be a very different way of playing this game, but I’m really looking forward to enjoying WOW from a different perspective!


Yes Transfer here,this is family here. Also don’t forget to faction change and you are all set !