Think we will ever see Jaina in a full cinematic?

I don’t think it’s as dramatic as you think considering it’s only the surface that’s getting frozen. Underwater creatures can (and do) thrive beneath the ice in icy biomes irl.

Per the story, yes. You’re right. However, in BfA Jaina shows up on a flying ship in Battle for Lordaeron (or however you spell that) and she wields a huge amount of power which saves the alliance.

So I’ve always thought that if she could do that, she could’ve saved that alliance ship in Legion and therefore spared Varian his heroic move.

And in Legion, if you played horde side, you’d know that it wasn’t just that Vol’jin was shot and critically wounded that the horde retreated but it was because they saw the Legion and it was literally a legion.
They wouldn’t stop coming. All of them, both horde and alli would have been overwhelmed so Sylv blew the horn and the horde retreated because the only way to tell the alliance that it wasn’t going to work is by showing them by leaving.

That’s my take on the story line. I don’t delve into the lore, haven’t read any of the books so what I know of the story I got from the game directly, through cines and play through.

I could be wrong about all of this, Idk but this is how I understood those parts of the story line. Feel free to disagree.

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??? I thought late thirties!?!

Jaina made it clear she wouldnt support working with the horde after they nuked her city, killing many of her close friends. How is it her fault again?

36 was her last reported age before Dragonflight launched. With the events of that expansion, plus the time skip that happened afterwards, at least five years have passed since then.

The next time we see her, she will likely look more like Katherine.

Jaina is similar in age to Arthas and Varian, and one of those 2 has a son in his 20s

It was the first thing to happen after the nightborne joined, I played through it AS A NIGHTBORNE. Players represent the factions, not just NPCs, they may not have had a major role, but they definitly were there.
If nightborne were not meant to be there they would have slapped an illusion on you to look like another race like what happens every time a race is not meant to be present in a lore event.

Actually, she straight up said “How do I know you won’t become the next eliisande or even the next Azshara?” A very valid point. But then proceded to put that concern aside and TRUST HER, working with the Nightborne and using it as an oportinity for Thalyssra to prove her intentions…

And then she went and proved Tyrande right by throwing her alleigance in with a THRID psychotic power hungry elf queen out to destroy the world… Tyrande was literally right and overlooked her own concern to help.

Canonically, that power was temporary and she lost it.

Source? Because the in-game lore, quest text, and cinematic show/imply her freezing it to the seabed, including the active ocean life. “Life beneath the waves came to a halt as the power of Jaina Proudmoore froze Azeroth to it’s very core.” is a direct quote.

Well then she lied or grew up because she has been working with the horde, for quite awhile now.

did you miss out on BFA?

Laura Bailey is too expensive (I’m guessing)

they clearly went over that

Nope. Played Legion, BfA and SLs. Left partway through SLs though. Only expac where I didn’t unlock all the zones.

You can literally play as a Nightborne during events of which the Nightborne were not even part of the universe. That doesn’t mean ANYTHING.

It’s not coincidental that Thalyssra (Nightborne), and Lasan Skyhorn (Highmountain Tauren) appear in the Stormwind Extraction as it is very clearly their first experience with Horde warfare.

Also, nobody says this. Most players bemoan having to quest with Tyrande or sit through storylines featuring Night Elves.

Meanwhile, the Nightborne campaign is still regarded as one of the best stories in WoW.

Soooo, your just forgetting about the whole storyline in BFA where Jaina still hates the Horde and slaughters them at a point or two, untill her old friend comes back and talks her into forming a truce?

It said seabed?

Oh well screw me, then. That’s miles down. That’s pretty darn OP and probably a case of “rule of cool” being stretched to ludicrous heights just for the sake of a bossfight.

I mean, if Jaina actually had that power, the game’s very next patch, Rise of Azshara, should have been a cakewalk.

“Oh, Azshara can collapse the water and drown us all whenever she wants? Lemme just freeze those walls, then…”

Don’t think about it too much. The writers certainly didn’t.


Jaina tried to slaughter some horde but I really don’t remember that much.

I know she teams up with her buddy Thrall but again, I don’t recall when that happened exactly.

The writing can tend to be goofy to me. Again, I’m not heavy into lore so I usually don’t comment but the title of this thread is “will we ever see Jaina in a full cinematic” and while she’s been mostly (or always) animated in her appearances, she has been in several cinematics.
BfA being the most recent that I can think of.

When Thrall came back his goal was to talk Jaina into forming a truce like they did back in the old days

So are you saying that the reason that Jaina left the alliance at the beginning of Legion is because they were teaming up with the horde to take down a small contigent of demons? (so they all thought, anyway)

Jaina attacked indiscriminately over the corpse of her father. Nathanos happened to get caught up in that with the Horde by finding the wrong body. They used it as bait to try to get the abyssal scepter to control the oceans.

Other guy isn’t mentioning the hundreds of tide-callers that got slaughtered in the process, or why Jaina was attacking the Horde.