Think we will ever see Jaina in a full cinematic?

Jaina is one of the oldest characters in Warcraft and yet she has never been in a full cinematic. I kinda wish we could see her in all her beauty just one at least.


Blizzard hates Jaina.

They’ve given her nothing but failed relationships and mental baggage. The only way she’s getting into a cinematic is if they wish to torment her some more.



I mean they did give her “Daughter of the Sea” which is still a banger


To be fair that is how you know they care about the character. Blizzard has always been masochistic to their characters.

They made her sing about her trauma.



I feel so read with that comment considering how I am with my own OCs XD

Look sometimes you gotta break bones a little more before you can reset them. Same goes for characters


She’s got more than Tyrande’s gotten, and Tyrande’s been around just as long…


Eh? Tyrandes been in loads of cutscenes


So has Jaina. Probably more than Tyrande.
Neither have been in a full on cinematic however.


Ah see thats fair. Cuz I was confused by your statement because Tyrandes been around in a bunch of things. You made it sound like she was ignored completely so that confused me XD. My bad.

Tyrande isn’t even the best elf. We need Azshara, in all her wicked glory and beauty.

Then after her we should have Thalyssra. She’s way better than Tyrande.

On this note, the full cinematics do have a tendency to be overly focused on male characters. Unless your Sylvanas and you get three full on cinematics

Minus the more generic style of Vanilla, BC and Dragonflight. All the characters in these cinematics happen to be male characters.(again sans Sylvanas)

Nah, both Tyrande and Jaina have been in some amazing cut scenes.
In fact Jaina’s ‘is he the bomb this time!?’ from BfA still gives me chills and may be one of the best cut scenes in the whole game.
But still, neither have been in a cinematic despite them both having been around since WC3.

Tyrande is way better than Thalyssra. That one isn’t even a contest… Thalyssra has done nothing since she joined the Horde but be a total hypocrite and cry in a corner at the sight of how much better of a mage Jaina is than her.

The fact Tyrande got rid of Nathanos for us all imediatly makes her better even if you’re a Horde player.

Azshara is pretty cool though, a cinematic with her would be… Magnificent.


She appeared in BfA cinematics several times, specifically the Seige of Lordaeron and the Seige of Daza’alor (on the ship with Gelbin).


She got married to someone who doesn’t spend his entire existence sleeping. So there’s that. Also she’s joIned the council.

Tyrande just complains and doesn’t work with the rest of her faction.

The fact her getting married to someone more interesting than herself is your example of her crowning acheivment kinda speaks volumes… a marriage than happened out of game at that.

She’s probably the most active Alliance leader who outright saved the world multiple times, she’s done a lot more than Thalyssra, that’s not even a debate… Infact Thalyssra would be dead without Tyrande and her sentinals helping the Nightborne reclaim Suramar.

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That was Tyrande’s home town and she couldn’t even be bothered to accept her own people.

Tyrande is just a religious zealot nowdays. But I bet she’ll get a cinematic soon because something’ll happen with Elune.

Perhaps in the Midnight cinematic. Thalyssra will be left out as is usual with Nightborne. :sob:

did none of yall play BFA? the whole alliance storyline was a tribute to JAINA, as my favorite female character on the alliance I loved the story of BFA for that exact reason, it also showed her POWER which was clearly OP and they tuned it down in SL cuz it was broken


That’s actually not true atall. Tyrande outright said she was putting her (very well justified) doubts aside to help Thalyssra and hope she makes the right choice about the Nightwell.
The Nightborne activly chose to join with the Blood Elves (which is fair, shared arcane interests and have more to learn from eachother) but she was not rejected by Tyrande.

Thalyssra was just to petty and took Tyrande’s (again justified) caution to heart and even used Tyrande’s words out of context to try and pretend the Nightelves wouldn’t accept them.

And then proceded to join the war ready faction having the audacity to claim “I will see the Nightborne end their long isolation as defenders of Azeroth, not conquerors.” … Then let her people go help in the war of thorns to help conquer Kalimdor and literally burn down the city of the nightelves who just helped save the Nightborne city.


She had a starring role in Legion cinematic, BfA cinematic too.

I don’t recall SLs cines but she had prominent roles in that expac too.

Not sure what you want, exactly. A cine with Jaina mostly?
If so, it’d have to be pertinent to the story. As it is, she’s already had a big part to play out in BfA.