Think we will ever see Jaina in a full cinematic?

Even in Shadow lands Jaina was VERY strong, she one of the top 5 mages in Azeroth for sure.


What about Alleria too, Tyrande, Lor’themar, Maiev, and etc?

Based on lore alone and not in game, she is probably at current the strongest mage in azeroth, as the other competitors have given up the power that comes with there roles. Khadgar doesnt want the currupting power of the guardian and blue dragon boy aint an aspect yet

Nope. Y’all are confusing cinematics with cutscenes.

I’m almost positive the blue dragonflight voted Kalcegos as their new aspect.

Nope. Jaina had a starring role in BfA. That, I’m certain of.

aspects dont have the titan power again do they? so its title alone RN

I havnt done much questing this last patch as ive been raid logging so i might have missed that

She straight up said she could become the next Azshara. Tyrande is so blinded by her religion sometimes it’s comical.

These were her literal neighbors who suffered an oppressive demon regime and she was all like “magic is bad, so therefore you’re bad. I don’t trust any arcane magic”. (Meanwhile she has a mage trainer just outside her temple).

Yeah they joined the blood elves. When someone compares you to a psychopathic queen who betrayed her entire race, you might want to go with option B. :rofl:

Read the title again, chief.

yes i saw sum on other site

While she was in many cinematics in BFA and was the main character of the Alliance story for that xpac, it was confusing that she wasnt in this cutscene with Thrall and Anduin, as who would have been a better person to comfort/support Anduin than his badass aunt who watched someone else go through the same thing, but fall to the domination he escaped


I did and I’m saying that we have. What am I missing here?

I dont know if they are counting in game cinematics

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To answer this thread: hopefully never, unless that cinematic is the depiction of Jaina’s death.

The Nightborne were not present in any capacity for the War of Thorns or the Burning of Teldrassil.

If helping to burn down Teldrassil was Thalyssra’s first foray into Horde warfare after having been alienated by Tyrande, there would be no doubt about the Nightborne’s involvement, but they weren’t.

I think its only the super CGI ones that come with xpac reveals

Not sure, but I promise you that Jaina hasn’t been in a cinematic.

This is a cinematic.

This is a cutscene.

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yeah so they want her in a xpac reveal

and in all fairness she should have been in this one