Think they forgot more heritage armor?

Still missing:
Would be nice if they put them out before SL…

Also no, WF armor isn’t heritage armor inb4 someone tries saying that lol


It’s not, but Humans/Night elves and Orcs/Undead are gonna be the last ones to get their heritage because of WF armor.


As I said on another similar post, any more heritage armor sets have been denied until post launch of SL.

So, most likely 9.1 if not longer… :man_shrugging:


We need PANDA armor! :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face:


Not going to happen before SLs, but it would be nice if they took some time to push those out before the start adding more Allied races that come with it.

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It is not, but I made sure to get that cloth plague doctor helmet thing for a forsaken clothie just in case we never get more heritage armor sets.

because of what?


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The Darkshore sets is so ridiculously nelfy - all feathers and moons and lavender - I don’t use them on anyone but nelfs.

They’ve already said the rest of the sets will happen throughout Shadowlands. There just wasn’t time in BfA for it. Everyone will get one!

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No, they said heritage armor would be added SLOWLY and every 0.5 patches like 9.3.5, 9.1.5, 8.1.5, ect…

They are coming, you just need to be patient.



It should have been and it kind of takes the place of it. Considering how much armor is already human and orc I really don’t feel as if they even need a special set.

Because we had so much content in BfA that we have never gotten bored…lol

warfront armor ARE heritage armor!

Nope, if all other races can use it, it is not a heritage armor. The whole reason for heritage armor is that it is a racial thing

No they are not. As I just said above…
If other races can wear an armor, it is not a heritage armor, just a theme armor like all of BfA

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War Front armor

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No… no they are not.


i know i was bring ironic

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Which maybe Blizzard feels races that have a bunch of sets already racially appropriate may not need a special one just for them?

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