Think they forgot more heritage armor?

so they insult all Human, Nelf, Forsaken, and Orc players? No given how they have been actually listening and giving players cosmetic wants, this is one that they should too.

Lol @ insult. They have been adding those sets in for years. If you are a human or orc you have been getting those sets added for 16 years while other race fans were stuck with them. Forsaken and NE also have a lot of racially appropriate armor sets added over the years as well.

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And what sets are you talking about they added in for years? The plate armor that every race can use, that is the alliance guard armor racial NPCs use?

hard to tell without some sort of emoji…

Have fun .

Maybe it is Heritage armor, maybe it isn’t…

But can we all agree that Pandaren, Draenei, and Trolls should come first?

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The same could be said for others too. There’s been draenei themed crystal sets, troll gear from Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman, pandaren themed stuff in Pandaria.

But heritage gear is something unique that only that race can use and represents their culture. Everyone is going to get their own eventually, that is the confirmed plan. If it’s not race-locked and openly cosmetic for armor types it’s not heritage armor, no matter how similar in theme it is.

The warfront gear and other past sets doesn’t mean those races are a lower priority or should be taken off the heritage list. All seven can and will easily happen in Shadowlands. :slight_smile:


Nope. Human/Orc first. Pandarens, then Draenei/trolls, then Nelf/Forsaken

I agree because humans an orcs already have a lot of armor themed around them , the game is too orc/human centric anyways

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Why Human/Orc first?

My reason for Pandaren, Draenei, and Darkspear Troll first would be that they are the races that received the least race-appropriate armor sets in BFA.

What’s yours?

(First is different than never… all races should get heritage armor FYI)


For one, they added four orc clan-themed armor sets from the garrison war mill- Shadowmoon, Blackrock, Thunderlord, and Warsong - in addition to a more generic “Orgrimmar” set . The Horde also got Laughing Skull clan masks from the garrison trading post

That expansion was also had several sets that were distinctly Draenei in appearance, like the Shatari Defense armor that you could get from the Alliance garrison trading post (after grinding out one of the worst rep grinds in the history of the game).

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My personal priority/preference list… I think I agree, trolls draenei and pandaren. I definitely want to see heritage sets for nelves and undead next, and orcs and humans last (mostly because its hard for me to picture a unique armor set for those two that arent deeply rooted to respective factions)

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I think humans should get some varian type looking armor , it would be dope

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Hopefully, unique armor for both Tushui and Huojin instead of recolors of the same armor.


I wonder what the Draenei heritage armor would look like…

Or the human heritage armor? We already have a “Stormwind Guard”-type set in the game. Maybe they will take real world “heritage armor” into account and let my humans wear yoga pants :wink:

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There better not be any Alliance lion thing on my panda armor! Keep your dirty horde/alliance hands off my panda armor. This armor better look like it came from the land of Pandas! :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face:

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I think a good compromise for pandaren would be having separate sets for horde/alliance, but not influenced specifically by those factions outside of maybe color. Or make it like the mag’har sets, make 2-3 recolored heritage sets available to all pandas? Idk if it’s a good idea lol but it’s an idea and I wouldnt be mad at it

Ideally, I was hoping something Bushido inspired for Tushui, like some samurai-esque armor (even if samurai are the orc’s thing in this setting), and something a little more Hun/Mongolian for the Tushui.


we need pandaren to actually look like pandarens first.

What would a “normal” panda look like? Tell me your secrets