Things You Actually *Like* About Shadowlands?

I think the Mythic+ dungeons are all made very well.

I love when brand-new lore is introduced, rather than continuing old lore (which I also like. I just like brand new stuff way more).

This is one of the main reasons why I love MoP too.

The Stewards. I love those little owl people, especially Sika.
Don’t forget to give that special Steward a Ripe Purian fruit during “Happy Steward day.”

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I would say Chromie time probably feels underrated, because it kicks you out abruptly at 50 and then you have to either choose to go back and faceroll it, do the Shadowlands leveling content which a lot of people don’t seem to enjoy, or abandon your character.

There’s another option to lock your character at 49, but that’s a little wonky and it breaks the immersion, especially if you’re in the middle of a story like Suramar.

Honestly, I wish I could just use the level sync feature on myself, without requiring a level-appropriate friend or second account character to enjoy the content scaled up to me.

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Music is pretty great.
I love revendreth looks
I like the new abilities i just wish they weren’t rooted for convenants.
I like the dgs very much.
I like the new arena.
I do way more gold in SL than previous exp in very few time.
I like torghast just wish i could level my alts there.
I liked some of the new stories and new chars such as the ascendeds.
Just did LFR but visually raids looks good.
I dont love korthia but honestly i hope they keep the zone design, ten fold improvement over the maw, easily one of the most smoothest areas to travel around and get dailies done quickly.

Obviously you have the new customizations, new leveling area and chromie time but i don’t count them as SL exclusively, they are improvements related to the base game imo.

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They matched it to other reputations where revered to exalted is a huge gap, the problem is they ALSO made research transfer to reputation on a 2-1 ratio. THAT is the real issue.

On an average day you’ll get 5-700 research. Lets be generous and call it 1000. That’s 500 rep a day doing EVERYTHING. Compare that to literally any other grind. Mechagon had daily quests that were guaranteed to award
 800 i think? Nazjatar didn’t, but it DID have emissaries that rewarded 1500 every few days. Same reward for FAR less effort than farming Korthria daily. The dailies and rares were just icing.

Same thing with the old god invasion reps. Biweekly assaults that rewarded tons of rep+daily quests for a bit more. But JUST doing the weeklies would get you the same rep (or more) than doing Korthria every single day.


Sanctum of Domination Mail Armor Set is very nice especially after so many mail sets looking cheap.

Visually it’s quite nice.

I like that I don’t really feel like I “fall behind” at all if I don’t play much in a week. I can log in sporadically and still feel powerful.

Swolekin. I also like this batch of m+ dungeons.

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Really nothing. Worst class balance, worst pvp gear system and class balance. Worst vault system (like same gear 3 weeks in a row, PVP PVE vault not seperated), worst renwon system, worst raid (BOSS 6 is like final BOSS difficulty, boss 7 is like boss 1 difficulty, boss 10 keep disppearing every 10 sec)

PVE, boomy do next expansion ST damage, WW do next expansion AOE in M+.
PVP, 8-10 damage modifier work together + 200% cri damage, we see 30-40k damage FV or starsurge or bite or crane kick.

Just appalling.

Boss 6 isn’t bad. I probably have the fewest wipes on it other than on the first few.

Boss 7 is a DPS check. If you’re working on it after getting a bunch of gear, it’s easy. If you got to it faster, it was hard. It’s easy now because everyone is like 245 ilvl.

Boss 10 disappearing is mostly visual. It doesn’t cancel my casts so I doubt it screws up melee hits either.

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Besides the maw intro (I know there’s a skip coming) and besides the annoying RP moments, I like SL questing :+1:

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There is nothing I like about shadowlands that I haven’t liked more about another expansion. This is the problem. At it’s best it is still a downgrade.

It is and it is the closest they get to an upgrade. If they had a 246 item with the chance for a 239 dom socket at the end of a 5 star run, this would be the answer to your question. Maybe add a guarenteed dom shard if you still needed them. This would be a worthy successor to BFA’s visions.

Even if they did this now though, it is a bandaid they shouldn’t have needed to apply. They had the winning formula and they yeeted it. This is why things have felt like crap the last couple expansions. They have popular systems and rather than doing them again AND trying something new, they consistently decide to discard those popular systems and hope the new is popular. Or downgrade them like they did with the BOA item tokens. And again, fixing them next patch is just showing they screwed up this system and they know it.

I just wish they would figure out WHY they are screwing these things up so they could stop doing it.


The raid’s decent. Fatescribe can die in a fire tho.

Pretty much everything.

Except Maldraxxus.

This isn’t true in the slightest. Most expansions have had worse balance, the amount of viable specs in mythic raiding and high M+ has never been wider.

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I like how the future is unknown.

Literally every single tank spec is competitive at a world-best level for pushing keys. That’s insanely tight balancing. Blizzard has never achieved anything like that before.

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i like Theotar my dear


-Bastion’s appearance.
-Revendreth’s NPCs.
-The new music is excellent.
-All of the new cosmetics (especially the Larion and Gargoyle mounts!)
-The idea of ToF. As others have mentioned, the actual EXP gain needs work.

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I like that there’s a lot less people playing.
Much easier to do World Quests.

Edit: Forgot they made the World Quests longer so it kinda negated that but oh well