Things You Actually *Like* About Shadowlands?

Atm, just the raids.

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This, the drop rate for mounts from the legion paragon chests felt abysmal. It feels a lot better this time round and hopefully remains the same moving forward.

Also having the option to use grateful offerings + anima if you donā€™t get lucky on the anima conductor mounts is good too. Iā€™d also really like if we maybe got another couple of mount meta achievements.

Mistweaver monks are, in my opinion, more fun to play now than they were the last time I played (Legion), and I really enjoyed them back then too.

I kinda like a lot of the systems.

The LGBT representation is pretty good compared to previous expansions.

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I liked the continual carnage of the Theatre of Pain Maldraxxus intro, can we bring this back as a solo que thing?

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Canā€™t say there are any feature or content exclusive to shadowlands I like, Ardenwealds music is nice I suppose.

Majority of the content is either bad or meh at best for me

Bastion and Aredenweald are beautiful but i hate thee tiny zones wow has been making for the last 3 expacs they are all so crammed together.

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The quest lines are pretty okay. I like the new areas to explore.

That itā€™ll end someday :sweat_smile:


Literally nothing.

I could raid raids but wow raids boss encounter design has always been good.

So. Nothing. Literally nothing.

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Honestly, itā€™d be far easier for me to list what I donā€™t like about Shadowlands. I honestly think Shadowlands is really friggin awesome and nails it on almost every front. The only things I really donā€™t like are some of the systems they have implemented and I think that Zovaal/Sylvanas suck big time. The dungeons are great, the raids are great, the zones are great (Korthia is meh, but I actually do like the Maw), Torghast is fun once youā€™ve gotten your mandatory Soul Cinder grind out of the way, the art and armor looks great, the characters are fun, etc etc etc.

People whining about Shadowlands mostly come across as Salty Susans. Most of the gripes are honestly aimed at Blizzard the company and not the game, or Classic Andys whining about Classic and just assuming that Retail must be in the same boat.

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It was so bad it made me play a better game. that made me realize just how terribly boring all of the classes are in wow

That is what i like about shadowlands.

  • The new customization options.
  • Torghast couldā€™ve been a blast as an optional stand-alone feature.
  • The art.
  • New and unique, ā€œback,ā€ transmog items.
  • Covenants couldā€™ve been great if player power was detached from membership.
  • Selectable stats when crafting via missives.
  • Necrolord covenant was possibly the greatest thing to ever have been introduced to wow. Too bad death in the Shadowlands makes zero sense.
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The Hunt.
Havoc DH in Torghast.

I like Bolvarā€™s new theme

When it was new. That was cool.

  • Torghastā€™s gameplay (although I donā€™t do it because I have no reason to)
  • Chromie time - would love to see a way to level sync myself to content past 50
  • The Korthia relic/research mechanics
  • Soul Shapes (although Iā€™m pretty sure we wonā€™t be able to use them in 10.0)
  • The first time I played through the story
  • That one week-long event to raise a gorger mount from a drop

Thatā€™s all I have. Damnā€¦ :confused:

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In my case, the question is rather what I dislike since I like most of the things about it compared to other expansions I think itā€™s a huge improvement, especially the covenant system, the neutral factions that give you abilities, talent-tree, and actually, matter lore-wise.
Maw was also a great idea since Iā€™m a huge fan of roguelike games and generally Dark Souls atmosphere. Whole locations are beautifully shaped, detailed especially the Revendreth.
Great variety of quests that are amusing and sometimes surprising with interesting mechanics. Voice acting and music are also great, especially in the boss fights.
Armor models could have more variety though, the gladiator sets are just recolors and in older expansions, they had unique models.
The main plot is quite weak.
The older expansions I have played so far from 1 lvl to max are, TBC, Wotlk, Cata, and MoP, so maybe my rating comparison is a bit outdated.

I wish the fully random generated dungeons were a thing that award you better gear.
And raid finder for time walking raids, since is pretty hard to find a group and when people start to leave you canā€™t replace them so it ruin all the fun.

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Chromie time.
the pre-event was pretty fun.
All the new zones are visually well done.

Thatā€™s about it.


Itā€™s so good honestly, it feels massively underrated, mostly because most players only care about end-game and 9.1 has been so alt-unfriendly. I think peopleā€™s appreciation of this feature will rise with 9.1.5 as more people level up more alts. It really makes leveling so much more fresh.


I like that it ended my WoW addiction.

  1. I liked the two raids we had so far.
  2. Venthyr race I like
  3. Revendreth is one my favorite zone.
  4. Zonvaal I like.

that about it.