Things we wished we knew, Timerunning Tips

So after my first journey, there is a few things that I learned that I wish I knew ahead of time so this is the post in hindsight for people still getting into the flow of things.

Rule number one, feel free to upgrade your gems but do not upgrade past Epic right away. You may wonder why and this is it: the difference between an epic and a legendary gem is stamina and it requires three epics to make. Might not think much of it at first, but after you start unlocking rings and trinkets, you will find out that you probably wish you would have more epic gems to have more secondaries rather than having to fill the extra Prismatic slots with uncommon and rare Gems or ones that aren’t that great of a benefit to you. Feels bad slotting a legendary armor gem as a DPS because it gives stamina and you are all out of normal secondary stat gems. While gem trading is possible, wouldn’t rely on people being willing to trade their crit gems for avoidance ones.

Rule number two, on the topic of gems, where you put them matters. Your best gems should probably end up in your chest and legs, with your weakest gems in your rings and of course the ones that are in between would be best in your trinkets. That is assuming that all of your gear is the same item level. And on that note Tinkers are the same, a tinker with a percent based effect will be the same no matter where you put it but things that proc stat Buffs or Shields or just damage are better in higher item level pieces.

Revised rule number three, hold on to any three slot rares and epics you acquire. Don’t bother upgrading greens at all but don’t destroy them until upgrading your good pieces to their level.

Rule number four, LOOT AND PILLAGE. Don’t underestimate the defensive and healing tinkers, having to stop to heal is time spent not murdering the locals for their threads, bronze, and gems.

Anyone else come up with things they wished they knew from the start that would improve their time in remix?


As someone trying to do a Deathless Warrior to 70 run on this at Attempt #5…

Accept that you can and will die at some point


I wish I knew the leveling was so slow, the characters would feel so underpowered, the scaling was so broken and the cloak so useless to alts that I might as well not have joined this ****show.


I didn’t encounter death until I started doing group content as a dps. Though most of those were a result of the tank just instantly dying in a dungeon, the first boss scholomance’s DoT doing 200% of my HP in two seconds, or the canon in the boat scenario sending us to land on an invisible Cannon shell that instantly killed us.

3 of my 4 deaths are from Group Content due to scaling issues.

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The scaling issues do go both ways though. In two of the heteroic scenarios, the extra action button is an instant kill, probably broke a record when nothing in the Gob Squad scenario lived longer than 3 seconds because the Rocket Jump was doing 28 million damage per Target it landed on, even one shot in the bosses. But the numbers are weird because the only form of gaining main stat are cloak threads, weapons, and very small amounts from rare or Epic armor.

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Another suggestion. There is a Tinker cog that completely removes fall damage.

I felt it very mandatory.


I think it is worth it for move speed and group haste proc, the fall damage part is redundant when playing an evoker, or anyone using blink/heroic leap/night fae.

There is a tinker to turn 10% of your damage into sortof smart healing, did Galleon and Sha of Anger with no healers just by leech healing me and the tinker healing everyone else with the BDK healing themselves.

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As someone trying to avoid death at all costs, not having to worry about accidental fall damage from a random tumble is nice.

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Yeah, that secondary effect for Windweaver of just completely removing fall damage is kinda bonkers. One of those things that I’m definitely going to forget that I don’t have outside of Remix. :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Do things ASAP to take advantage of scaling working more in your favor. Every level above 60, in group content, feels incredibly bad. This means dungeons and even raids supposedly.

There are certain quests that are bugged. Move on as most are fine/workable. To the skies it is imperative you be your most bursty possible spec because for whatever reason, your character is dying even if you aren’t seeing your health bar move. It took me like a dozen tries (literally) but I finally got it on 3rd try as a boomkin by just absolutely laying unholy hell on the double and triple pack and even then I still think I got lucky that one of the drakes somehow got unsynched and I had to teleport to it.

Other quests have extremely bad/glitchy 1 shots at random. Just deal with it. The worst was the finale of the mantid campaign quest where you assault the heart of fear outdoor area and the sha of devastation that grips you to it and just completely deletes you from existence. Just lay there dead while the immortal NPCs wittle it down…so fun I know but it gets the job done.

But don’t focus on leveling…focus on getting as much group content done as soon as it is possible because being max level feels like an objective massive downgrade.


Until they fix it, yea, 70 is borked

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It seems all, or at least most, Scenario special actions are broken at 70. Just did High Seas and the Reposte on the final boss did 110,000,000 damage

Yeah, that was one scenario that gave me some trouble at first, then I decided to grab the Rapier since other people were grabbing it and not using the extra action button and just instantly dying. Go figure the first riposte kills the boss. The only unavoidable one shot was the cannon transport between boats.

Here’s a tip: you can scrap items with the gems in it and it just spits the gems into your bags. Saves time when you’re swapping out a few pieces of gear and don’t want to remove the gems one by one.


Honestly I’ve spent bronze to upgrade some of the lower level greens just because the process of taking gems out of the sockets is annoying. If I already got a higher level drop, a 10xbronze cost is literally nothing.

And here we are, negating my last post. hah

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Sure someone has probably already mentioned it, but raid early and raid often if you want the best XP gains.
*Normal difficulty

I did the LFR raids for achievement progress, since going through those while questing was more efficient than trying to camp rares for the tour achievements to complete the zone achievements.

Haha, I think it was around level 45 when I noticed the scaling first jumped a notch.
I was still deleting enemies, but all of a sudden I found enemies could also easily delete me lol.

I feel it follows Torghast rules where at a certain point you can’t just ignore defensive bonuses in favour of pure damage just because you are a dps, otherwise you are going to suffer.
It’s a bitter pill to swallow at first though, at least for me :sweat_smile: