Things we wished we knew, Timerunning Tips

Sorry, I forgot to specify normal raid only as it provides the 12% XP threads guaranteed on each boss kill.
So one Mogushan or Heart of Fear raid on normal will increase your XP gains by 72% per raid.

Hm. Well, I didn’t really need them, though at the same time, I was trying to prioritize boxes for gems/gear per level which is probably why I didn’t really feel like I fell behind while leveling.

It’s probably mostly valuable to people who aren’t on for too many hours each day. An easy 72% XP increase for 30mins play time that accumulates each day.
If you’re just smashing it out in a session or two it probably doesn’t amount to as much as just sitting in front of the PC does.

Still, good to know about the avenues for higher XP return earlier rather than later.

this may seem obvious but at high level the thread upgrades are better instead of just +1 per stat
so really just yolo your first toon as fast as possible before you get into the grind

Another good point yeah. From Level 10 when most threads are only +1s, at level 70 pretty much all of the threads that drop are +12s.

The upgrade system uses the same discount system as flightstones, so you should actually keep at least one blue you find for each slot and when you get an item (even if it’s just a green) of a higher ilvl for that slot, upgrade your blue to the higher ilvl as it’s super cheap (like 12 bronze).

Ideally you find a blue with a stat you care about and then you just upgrade it every time you find an item of a higher ilvl for the same slot.


Wait. Wait. You’re saying it actually gets the discount? Darn, I could have been in full blues and purps if I knew that. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

The Narcissus addon has a lovely interface for the gems, tinkers, and cogwheels that makes it super easy to see what you have slotted, and change them out on the fly. MUCH easier than the default interface for gems, for sure.


Yea after being annoyed by having to swap gems in and out constantly for the first 30 or so levels I finally noticed the upgrade discount is huge. I hardly ever swap gear now except sometimes I’ll swap a blue weapon since all I have to do is runeforge it.

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It does but it also pops up a lot more than I want it to, and I am not sure if it is good enough when it comes to dealing with the best place to put high quality gems versus the low quality gems in armor Rings or trinkets.

For Tinkers and the like I messed around with it a few times, but eventually got to the point where it was easier to find it at the top of my bag then it was to find it in the grid.

I don’t know what you mean by that, but I can see how it would be difficult to deal with the gem placement with the way the addon works. Perhaps that’s something the addon dev will work on.

More-so when I’m manually changing the gems out it force-opens. I like Narcissus for a lot of things but any time it opens an extra window that I have to manually close I just get mildly annoyed.

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Hmm, I haven’t experienced that yet. That would annoy me too!

Don’t think I’ve died to fall damage in years outside of walking off a cliff in Dragonflight with a non-Dragonriding mount when it was new since I was used to hitting my button for the Red Flying Cloud or whatever.

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Rule 4: Hope you participated in frog genocide otherwise enjoy being 10% of a player.

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I didn’t get to abuse the speed leveling but they seem to have buffed up the gains from dungeons (or else I am just going crazy) it sure isn’t at the same rate as hyper farms but been getting more blue drops and I managed to hit a power spike with just the right combo of tinkers to be doing 200-400k on a boss fight as Dev and even more on trash with only 770 main stat on cloak.

“Don’t play it, it’s not worth the trouble, they refuse to properly balance it.”

This isn’t really a complaint thread though, after doing some optimization I’ve managed to catch up to at least feel as powerful as my retail evoker in the remix despite having a fraction of the main stat and health. Did a few heroic dungeons last night and wasn’t being hit by any one shots anymore, only really died when tanks weren’t pushing buttons like a bear with zero usage of swipe on trash and finish was on cool down so I ended up tanking.

Sha Spike in Shado-Pan, for example, wasn’t one-shotting people who didn’t dodge it.

You asked what we wished we knew.

And I said what I wished I knew.

Might be worth adding for people who haven’t noticed that if you want to swap tinkers, you don’t actually have to use the gem extractor, you can just drag another tinker over an already socketed one and it will automatically unsocket the current gem without having to click on the gem extractor.

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