Hey, i am a returning player. I just returned recently.
I have already completed Remix on my alt… got gear on all slots except for the Neck. Also got the mounts and tmog ensembles i need.
I have also completed gearing up my Main with ilevel 480 gear from Pre-patch.
Do i need to farm for gear on Pre-patch for my alt on Remix?
What else do i need to prepare for?
Pls give me some list. Thanks. 
Your remix character will become a live world character Tuesday. They will be like a boosted character. Youll be fully geared at 467. This is not upgraded gear. You’ll also get 2000 gold plus any gold you already had.
Youll get the quest to go to silithis and then can go do the radiant echos event. Work at getting 480 gear if you want. Unimportant if you dont.
You’ll also want to go to Gadgetzan in Tanaris for the warband bank toy if you havent done it.
Otherwise, thats it until expansion launch.
i havent used my https://www.wowhead.com/item=213089/antique-bronze-bullion
will i still be able to use after twww comes out?
I’d recommend cleaning up/clearing your questlog and your bags