Things that have never made sense

This confuses me as well.

  1. Why does my fire mage die from fire?
  2. Why does my frost mage die from frost?
  3. Why can I train animal mounts in WOD and not have that skill/ability carry on into the following expacs esp since all my other traits/skills do.
  4. Why don’t my mounts attack my enemies?
  5. I’ve been playing this game for 12 years, why haven’t my toons aged?, I have!
  6. Why in the World of Warcraft books ( including travelers series) there is the ability to communicate “common” language with certain races but it’s not available in game.
  7. Why is Slyvannas the only Forsaken that gets more attractive with each expac? Why is she not decaying and stinking up the place?

I can go into Molten Core and kill Ragnaros in one hit… then go to The Maw and get killed by some no-name guard. :stuck_out_tongue:


And why can’t blacksmiths create great pet armor for my clefthoof?

In the dimension containing Azeroth all ducks were changed into rubber by the curse of flesh.

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How come gnomes never die from being trampled in PvP? Especially when fighting Tauren.

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Where are the bathrooms? I think the game has, maybe… 20 outhouses spaced throughout 3 planets an alternate timeline, and the actual afterlife.


Why do the Tortollians have a guessing memory game with turtle shells?!?! :astonished:


Why do the leaders think that a great big fish stuck in a little pond out in the middle of nowhere is such a threat?

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Why are Druid aquatic forms creatures that breath air… and can drown?
What foul words do tanks say to bosses that cause them to completely ignore the people healing them?
Why is gear that can down world ending dragons and gods not good enough for a boar 10 levels higher?



That Boar is the avatar of Agammagan. He has many avatars… apparently.

I have a rubber ducky fishing bobber, but there are no ducks in the world.
How do they know what a duck looks like?

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wow, didn’t know this! it make more sense this way.

I keep hundreds of large living creatures to include dragons and mammoths on my person at all times just in case I need one of them to poof under me for a ride

Ducks were the children of a legendary Loa named “Ducky” who sacrificed himself along with Littlefoot the Brutosaur Loa while protecting Azeroth from the advances of a demonic entity known only as the “Lord of uWu”

They say his devolved children still walk the streets of Zandalar to this day…

Yah … and that’s where you run into the trouble of it all. You either go full DnD and it has to make some sense, or you have to be capable of some “suspension of disbelief” and make allowances for things to not make sense so it all works. Like a rogue who can’t find beaks even though he should be able to kill the thing without destroying the beak. But a Mage is likely to destroy most of them killing the creatures. Some compromise has to be in order or everything falls apart. :slight_smile:

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How my mage, being a godlike archmage who has been involved in driving out every peril Azeroth has faced since the beginning of WoW, somehow can’t figure out how to cast half-decent frost or arcane spells just because he specializes in fire.

everyone’s a god damn hero or champion

Also, any kind of weapon use limitations on warriors. The whole class is the epitome of “if you can pick it up, it can be used as a weapon”. There’s no weapon in the game that they shouldn’t be able to use.

…as a rogue, that I could pickpocket some silver and belongings from a humanoid, and then get even more money from their corpse.

Like where’s the extra money come from…

…also ducks.

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