Things that have never made sense

Lol I was referring to the fact they no longer walk on water cause mount equipment, which sucks.


Yeah it should be treated like flight or underwaters pets: striders get this, and you can add something else to it.

Why is melee combat so common in warfare when guns exist?

How come nobody shrinks to the smallest size possible in combat to make themselves a smaller target, considering size appareny has no effect on physical strength?

How come animal-based transportation is so common when planes and automobiles have existed for decades? I know that animal transportation wasn’t immediately phased out when automobiles rolled along IRL but you very rarely see anyone driving a car in Warcraft.

Why can’t every race (save for undead) be a paladin/priest? Is there some omnipotent force stopping them from believing and following the Light? If a dreadlord can be a paladin, why not a goblin, orc, or nelf?

And yet if you are on a quest to kill seven bunnies, they could kill you.

Yeah the level 120 rabbits and turtles in BfA were a real charmer. Why didn’t we just capture a bunch of these birds and animals and unleash them on Deathwing?


Thats how it works in Canada too.

On topic :slight_smile:
Fighting evil demon to save all living beings from utter annihilation.
Khadhar, illidan, etc just watching from the sidelines.

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Troll Druids
Night Mages
No-fly zones

They let Draenei and Tauren indoors, yet I cannot ride my horse indoors…


I used to use this reasoning in Vanilla and no1 would hear it. But the truth is at some point you should become a skilled enough “hunter” that you could figure out ways to not destroy the things requested. Like how can a rogue, supposed masters of anatomy, not be able to stick the dagger in the right places to save the desired pieces?

The problem with this approach is that they rarely add a qualifier to their demand. They don’t say “get me four intact antlers” or “get me four pristine antlers with at least six prongs” its “get me four antlers”. Eighteen gazelle later…

Because “Ol’ Blue Eyes” said so.

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Suramar, like Malorne having a “nightmare” about the War of the Ancients, was time travel in a form that wasn’t time travel. Suramar allowed us to do the whole “Highborne City making a deal with demons” story-line by simply recasting the Highborne with Nightborne and recasting Azshara with Elisande. People were still salty about WoD time travel so they just cut in. It’s actually easy to imagine that the original story board involved Gul’dan bringing the city of Suramar from the past into the future to serve the Legion as they had done in the past, but people were still so triggered by time travel they just made up a separate sect of elves.

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True. Though, they also would have no idea if we just went and brought them four antlers from any other gazelle or creature in the wilds. (they go and check their in-game item ID and frown as they look at me)

Also, the quests where they command “Kill x of these creatures.” How in the world do they know how many I’ve killed??

How would a fire mage not melt the feathers when using their abilities? Or an arcane mage potentially change the properties of an item / change it’s color bombarding it with enough arcane? :upside_down_face:

Obviously I’m hip to the concept of suspending some immersion for QOL and game mechanics.

Hey, so that guy that I walked up to and point-blank hit in the face with my giant axe, why didn’t he die immediately?

:scream: :cry: :cry:

Also, the quests where they command “Kill x of these creatures.” How in the world do they know how many I’ve killed??

Clearly you wouldn’t lie about such a thing!

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There was a time when it wasn’t like that. The higher level you got, the lower the aggro range was. But players complained about having to hit each low level mod when farming low level content.

World of Integritycraft

Better question is, why are banks and mailboxes in the after life? Zombie gram for Mongo!


Skilled MM should be able to one shot end game bosses 90% of the time, but I guess skill is an illusion.