Things right click reporting will get you muted for:

Then why in the hell are you posting on one?

Multiple reasons. Some I’d get reported for because people can’t stand when someone says something they don’t like

Or they say something that is against the rules which blizz actively encourages people to report.

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It sure seems like the primary issue a lot of people have is with Blizzard’s rules.


Censorship is a cancer. It’s even worse when Blizzard gives people the tools to screw people over instead of just ignoring the person because they can’t stand seeing something they dislike

Ah so I see how it is, you wanna run your mouth with impunity?

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You disliking something doesn’t make it wrong. Nor does it constitute as running my mouth lol


I also encourage players to report those that say something that is against the rules. That does not mean that I want players to be able to impose punishment, though.

I can speak only for myself, but I have no problem with Blizzards rules. I encourage players to report those violate the rules and I expect players that violate those rules to be punished.

I simply want ANY punishment (including a squelch) to be handled and administered by Blizzard, NOT the players, especially a small number of players.

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Your not 100% wrong. I miss 90s internet culture when people were allowed to just have fun and didn’t have to muzzle themselves to avoid punishment.

All I want is the feel the spring of the interent again rather then the chill of the fall. Is that to much to ask before we go the way of the EU and lock every bit of it down?

The period of the wild west only lasted 30 years…

It all comes down to perspectives. I ask myself if I was happier with how the game was moderated back then compared to how it is now and I always come up with the same answer.

I am sure that differs for different people but I don’t find this tamed and more… child friendly version as appealing as the old way of dealing with people one on one.

If someone reported you for chat violations back in Vanilla, you’d be given a complete account suspension.

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It rarely seemed to happen. A lot of this has to do with how the world changed outside of wow as well. People these days are a lot weaker then they used to be.

And how often are you silenced for violating chat rules today?

I’m not but I don’t interact with anyone outside of my guild since… I want to say cata?

Yup, that’s why I like that Blizzard went to temp suspensions. It’s seem to bug those players more judging by the gnashing of teeth, especially after last weekend.

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I’m quite the chatty Cathy in game with in my guild and outside, never had to worry about getting silenced or squelched.

alot more people think they should be able to say whatever they want whenever they want and people just have to ‘deal with it’, rather than showing some tact.

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I’m not a idiot person though and cursed with the terrible burden of honesty. I don’t jive well with wow players these days.