Things FFXIV does better WoW should learn from

It’s not like WoW does that with Time Gating, gear grind, and WQs

Even leveling 1-30 takes more than 45 minutes.

A single PotD run takes at least 20-30 minutes, and you don’t gain 15 levels from one PotD run. And that’s about the fastest way to level.

If we want immersion breaking: I’m a priest, but despite years of time spent exploring, travelling, and fighting… I still can’t even put on leather pants. Somehow, that eludes me. Even the simple act of putting on leather pants is too hard for a spellslinger who has healed people through fighting dragons, gods, and demon lords.

I’d say THAT is way more immersion breaking than ‘you’re a hero of legend, so you can do more than one thing well’.


It doesn’t take that long at all to level up in FF14 in the early game. getting to 30 is easy, and that’s all it takes to unlock all the special rocks, that enable you to be a ridiculous near mary-sue that’s able to do everything.

Also no, that’s perfectly fine reasoning for why you cannot wear leather pants.

Spell casting in most traditional RPGs games require gestures and movements to be able to cast spells properly, the reason casters wear robes and very light clothing, is to avoid your movement being limited in any way so that your spells don’t get screwed up.

It’s an extremely common thing across all RPGs.

And that’s not nearly immersion breaking, that’s just a standard in RPGs. Being able to swap from being a priest to a death knight on the fly just by swapping your gear and weapons is immersion breaking, because they are polar opposites, and the fact you can master both on one character would be ridiculous.

If you wanted to be a healer wearing leather pants, should have picked a class compatible with leather pants and healing. Like a druid. :woman_shrugging:

Regardless point still stands, being able to be every class is stupid in an RPG. Especially with how easy it would be to swap.

I cackled lol

No, that’s a reason why it wouldn’t be ideal for me to wear leather while casting. It’s not a reason why I am physically incapable of even putting it on.

The job stones, initially, only give you like one new ability. It’s only as you unlock them through leveling and subsequent quest chains that you unlock the full selection of the job’s abilities. When you first get White Mage, you only get… I think it’s renew? Or Renew might be the 35 ability.

You’re way exaggerating the effect of ‘the 45 minute quest to unlock the stone’. It changes your job name and gives you one spell. After that you have to level to max level and complete about… a dozen-ish specific class quests as you do so to unlock the full roster of spells.

I mean, I disagree. And I think forcing me to abandon my character because I want to try something new is far more stupid than that.


Gotta disagree, I like the WoW model. If I wanna play my DK, I log on my DK.

Over the years I have made a character for every profession combination that worked for that class. Well use to when we got a specific buff for each profession.

I wouldn’t want all the time invested in each of those characters be nullified just to have a single character that can do everything.

Each game should have its own identity to give us a choice. If you like FF, go play it, not a thing wrong there. But if every game was exactly the same, that would be kinda bland.

Another reason this will probably never happen would be copyright laws. Blizzard can’t copy FF, they would end up in court.


Nobody’s arguing for exactly the same.

But you can learn from the things other games do well without making your game a clone of theirs.

As an example… there’s no reason WoW can’t make the ability animations have more punch to them. If they did, it wouldn’t suddenly ‘turn WoW into FFXIV’, but it would be learning from something FFXIV does well and make WoW a better game. Or weather… the weather effects in FFXIV are jaw-droppingly gorgeous… and improving WoW’s weather wouldn’t ‘turn the game into ffxiv’.

You seem to be misunderstanding. You have to invest virtually the same amount of time as you would into multiple characters. You just do it all on the same character, in stead of on different ones. And you still CAN have multiple characters, you just don’t have to.

If you want to level a profession, you have to start at level 1 of that profession and play it through to max. Same goes for every class.

So it’s not like you’re just a ‘magical character who can do everything’… you just can, as a competent person, learn to do multiple things over the course of your time in the world. You can invest the time into learning to swing a sword and become a warrior. You can then invest the time into learning to invoke nature and become a white mage. And you can invest the time into learning technology and become a machinist. And so on. And each time you start from level 1(unless they share a root class, then you start from either 15 or 30, which is still pretty low). And you can do all of that without NEEDING to start a new character, but you absolutely CAN start new characters if you wish that separation.

Although, to be fair, since some of WoW’s classes are… innate… to some extent. Like Death Knights, for example… it probably wouldn’t make as much sense here.

Here’s something I feel WoW can learn from XIV and do it better.

Player housing.

See the Garrison tech that’s basically been wasted since WoD. Use that on Azeroth, near any of the surviving Capital Cities. Make a small area on the outskirts of Stormwind or Orgrimmar that the Champion is granted, and let it be instanced so we don’t end up with a dozen houses everywhere.

They can even keep them as a little base or something, but by making it on Azeroth and instanced that means it can still be used when new content is released so Blizzard could keep adding new things like statues or trophies and the like to decorate it.

Like imagine it, you can pick a a home plot near any of your factions capital cities. I’d say Blizzard can afford to give to to players for Free especially since general gold making in WoW is stupid as crap anyway.

The basic plot can be the size of a level 1 Garrison and it comes with at a house, a yard for some basic gathering, nothing to the extent of garrisons. Maybe create a whole new type of item that is only useful for housing. Who knows, it can also just be a empty wheat field with a scarecrow for immersion. Each home will be based on the city it’s near, so if you want a traditional human one, you pick the plot at Stormwind. Want an orc one? Orgrimmar.

To get a bigger house and bigger instanced plot would be the gold cost, that goes up to the Level 3 size. By that point it becomes for like an estate where you can sit on a porch and tell yourself it’s good to own land.

You can invite your friends to your house and then they can phase into the party leader’s house or something, I don’t remember how Garrisons did it.

This is already better than XIV because that way every player that wants a house, will get a house and not have to worry about plots of land and other crap. Upgrading it and filling it with trophies and junk can be a gold sink. And they can finally put a nail to this request that they tried and failed terribly with with WoD’s garrisons.

Also, no mission table. Its your house to relax.

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You forgot Nier.

Which SE was like "Yeah this is a lot, here is a toggle to reduce the visual spectacle in multiple ways.

  • You can turn down or turn off your own spell effects.
  • You can turn down or turn off your party member’s spell effects.
  • You can turn down or turn off all other spell effects.

And that’s fair, but the way they went about it came at the cost of the visual impact for everyone else.

As a BRD main, I love getting off the BRD LB3. The bow just makes them seem like a cocky little s***

Did you even play FFXIV?

When you get your soulstone, you basically have little to no more interaction with your guild as far as training is concerned.

And the Guilds are only for the classes that came with ARR. All the other Jobs you start out with their soulstones from the start.

That said literally after every job quest you’re told to continue your training or working on your skills. It’s not just some magical “you are now the bestestestestest ever now that you have the stone”. Yes you get a new ability after each quest completed, but those are earned for continuous training and completing the task the teacher for your job has given you.

Do you even know what the soulstones are? I mean of course not. You’re arguing the way you are so clearly you don’t.

The soulstones are special stones that have had the memories and experiences of all their previous owners imprinted on them. The then current owner is able to draw on those experiences to help them learn new skills and abilities.

Canonically, this helps most people master a single job in 20 years rather than 40. Seeing as the character everyone plays in FFXIV is the Warrior of Light, a character who is canonically known to be a Bard, Dragoon, Monk, Samurai, Warrior, Dark Knight, and Paladin, it makes perfect sense to let you play which ever job you want.

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Okay, seeing as we need to be as SPECIFIC as possible:

  1. FF14 PvP is a joke and no one takes it seriously.

  2. Anyone playing FF14 can tell you that the end-game raiding scene in FF14 is very barren and small (and not comparable to WoW in a long shot).

  3. No, Palace of the Dead nor Heaven on High are not comparable. Id consider deep dungeons differently than M+ dungeon progression. Even then, its not even largely considered progressive endgame.

Ya, I agree. Much better solution, honestly.

Funny, most of the people I know playing FFXIV love the raiding scene. It’s usually only the people playing WoW who tell me the raiding scene in FFXIV is barren.

In FFXIV, you can earn relatively close to top end gear from regular dungeons in various ways. So, while there is no ‘you have 30 minutes to complete this super hard dungeon. GO!’ tiered dungeon in ffxiv, it’s generally not a game built on a rush mentality… so mythic+ would probably not be welcomed by the playerbase over there as much as it was here. But thanks to roulettes and currency, dungeons ARE still a viable step in your progression.

And as to pvp… honestly, I personally don’t think the game is suited to pvp, but I know a number of ffxiv players who disagree. So, and this may be hard for you to understand, I let them have fun pvping… and just don’t engage with it myself.

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FFXIV is not suited for large scale pvp. If, and I think they are doing this based on the Feb announcements, they focused on small scale pvp more, it would be a much better experience.

But again, PvP is not competitive endgame in its current iteration. Sure, The Feast has rankings but it isnt remotely close to anything for competitive PvP in WoW.

Heck, the long saying on FF14 PvP was that it was minigame.

You can look at %s for achievements. Past Japanese servers, the NA data centers have a very low participation rate.

Again, thats not competitive endgame.

I think the problem is you’re viewing everything from a competitive lens. Japanese game design tends to focus more on cooperative and personal accomplishment than raw competitive. And, as a result, you really need to look at the game through different lenses. Yes, there isn’t a ‘competitive end-game’ for dungeons… but that’s because FFXIV isn’t seen as an e-sport. It’s seen as an MMO game - an online world for people to engage in a story with their friends in.

And thus your narrative of ‘OMG NOTHING’S COMPETITIVE’, while technically not false, is also completely missing the point.

It’d be like playing LoL and complaining that there’s no in-game character development. Well ya, that’s not what the game’s about.


Okay, so your argument of me saying that the game isnt end-game focused…is to focus on everything else that isnt end-game?


Im not saying people dont play for community or the other loads of casual content; all I have said is the game is not end-game focused.

No, I’m saying that the end-game isn’t competitive. People don’t treat the end-game as an E-Sport. So something like M+ wouldn’t fit there. And judging it through a competitive lens is doing it a disservice.

There is an end-game, and the end-game is VAST and varied. It’s just not COMPETITIVE.

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You do know what end-game means right?

I’m beginning to think you don’t.

End-game simply means ‘what you do once you hit max-level’.

End-game doesn’t mean ‘racing to be first at everything’.


Again theres a difference between end-game content and end-game play.

No, there really isn’t. End-game content is anything you can do that is designed to be done at max level.

It doesn’t have to be competitive. You, as a person, may only appreciate competitive end-game content. But that doesn’t mean that’s all there is that counts.