They're nerfing Dynamic Flight Speed in Old World content

ROFL thanks for helping my point. You seem to be good at that.

A jockey doesn’t tell their horse to pick up its feet or it will fall on the track. They tell it to run and the horse does all the actions on their own :rofl: :rofl:

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Yea and when the dragon runs out of energy it lands…

I guess it’s just a perspective thing, I see it as us telling it where we want to go… You seem to see it as us telling it how to do it.

Personally, I would even find static flight to feel awkward above a certain speed threshold, just like the fun of dragonriding’s mechanics tie into its mobility. It isn’t just that it’s faster, it makes you feel faster, there’s a weight and a purpose in your movement that makes it satisfying to use.

But yet it some how gets more energy by me opening a menu and spending talent points?

This is all fake. Every thing runs on magic. So it makes just as much sense that my flying mount from MoP has unlimited energy as a dragon magically gets better at flying because of some menu options.

Whatever. I think dragon riding is stupid and I don’t think it’s more enjoyable than regular flying.

so let me get this…
so they’re nerfing it 20%? and it’s still faster than old man’s flying, right?

Damn fantasy games and their lack of realism!

…So it’s fine that a mount has unlimited air control, no weight or resistance to its movements, unlimited energy, and the ability to hover indefinitely in one spot in the air, but a mount upgrade menu and an energy resource for abilities is a bridge too far?

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I don’t really expect realism but something making sense is always nice.

Me telling a dragon to flap it’s wings up and down or it falls out of the sky doesn’t make sense.

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Try reading that again.

Ok off to bed, just got to static fly back to town on my magic book.

Have fun, I guess? Or no wait you said that wasn’t fun.

You know you should use the flight path instead.

It’s fine to dislike dragonriding, but you could be a little more consistent with your criticisms.

I don’t think reading will help him all that much.

Or you can try reading what I said and not what you think I said.

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You folks will bicker back and forth about the most trivial things.
Flying is flying. Dragon riding is faster and it’ll still be faster after the nerf.

FTR, the forum doesn’t have a loot table, and I’m guessing you all don’t have phones.

Honestly, don’t see the point in this argument.

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Just like horse racing, it’s about the rider/horse connection. A great jockey will be able to coax more performance from the same horse than a bad jockey. As our characters literally scale new heights with our dragons, we unlock (literally) new ways of coaxing out our dragon’s abilities.

I also think the nature of point-based growth is intrinsic to this game genre. It’s just like our characters. Somehow I get more strength by opening a menu and clicking a talent button that instantly increases base strength. So, with that in mind, the concept of dragon riding seems directly congruent with every other growth aspect of the game.

This all seems more engaging than paying a trainer X amount of coin and suddenly our mount is traveling faster, or has the ability to fly in cold weather.

At least all that is how I reconcile that.

These are the threads that I enjoy, it reminds me of who I can take seriously and who I should always just be laughing at. :smile:

nervous glances intensify

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…let me check my list.

you good.

(besides that horse jockey/dragon rider stuff) :smile:

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