They will announce temporary sharding

Not trusting them doesn’t necessarily mean assuming they’re lying.

I’ll wait for the proof. If Blizzard says there won’t be sharding, that’s good, but I don’t trust them. I’ll wait to see it for myself.
If Blizzard says there will be sharding, that’s bad, but I don’t trust them. I’ll wait to see it for myself.


There’s gonna be sharding in the beginning and it’s going to contribute to the longevity of the servers simply because there will be less servers, so less dead servers down the line. It’s about time y’all got over it. Y’all are going to play anyway, and it won’t be outside the starting zones.

Sure. Except that Ion at the exact same Blizzcon said something different. He also stated that there would be “other communication” regarding how they will use sharding. He also said there is no CRZ or phasing. Which we know. He also never said no sharding in fact he said they would need to investigate further. While I think you have the best intentions in mind, you are pulling meanings and text out of thin air. No where in this entire exchange that started at 3:40 did he ever mention there would be no sharding.

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And your defense is that they kind of said something regarding sharding so it means that it will only be limited to the first week. None of us have the answer right now. The problem is that this was the MOST contentious topic from 2018 Blizzcon and we still do not have a blue post. Why is that? I do not have that answer but I can tell you that it is not because they found a solution that will prevent sharding.

He’s less involved in Classic and more in BfA. Brian is the lead developer for Classic.

The game isn’t out yet, and we’ve had a flurry of communication over the last month.

Absolutely nothing I have said claims anyone ever said “no sharding”. Literally we’ve been pointing out that they said there will be sharding, in a limited, time limited, fashion in the starter zones.

They never said first week. We’ve all said we hope its limited to the first week. Originally I thought the first 3 months would be a ‘maximum’, but others have convinced me it should be lower, and I’m down to ‘first week’, because it needs to be enabled on the first weekend to have any point.

Except you don’t seem to understand that they never defined limited. At this point, without any feedback, it is rational to expect that sharding will be pretty ubiquitous.


No, its completely irrational to expect that sharding will be ubiquitous based on everything they’ve said. They’ve repeatedly said they want to have a single server community and that sharding is antithetical to Classic.

I get that you assume that everyone from Blizzard is intentionally lying because they hate you, but that’s not a rational response.

I’m starting to think you’re intentionally arguing to undermine something. I can’t work out what yet, but there’s definitely shades of “Private Servers are the real Classic” in there.


Spoken like a true modern WoW solo player.


Where did I say that they would only extend the time?

How far would they extend it?

Examples include, but are not limited to:

Possibly into secondary areas and tertiary areas or even further.

How about the AQ event? Sharding that would be well beyond the “starting areas” AND “that brief time at launch”, would it not?

How about holiday events?

Let’s not forget the large scale Southshore/Tarren Mill battles.


If some are worried about competition for mobs, resources, quest mobs, quest items, quest objectives, etc. then I would simply suggest they wait a week or two before starting.


Im fine with sharding if it only last 2 weeks.

I’m confused. They will, grammatically, indicates something that has not happened yet but is expected to. Blizzard already announced temporary sharding in the starting areas. (We’re missing clarification - 1-5 initial area or full zone - and they haven’t deigned to confirm or deny plans to hold it in reserve as a server stability thing in places like Blackrock Mountain when all the raid groups show up or in a capital city if an opposite faction raid arrives.)

They’ve also been very direct about saying they will not have the modern-day LFD/Group Finder. So why flip out about two utterly disconnected features - one a network side thing, one an in-game thing?

(And, yes, I’m one of those people who could be accused of a “flipout” over sharding. I’m delaying my gratification and won’t be playing for about a month to be sure it was temporary, and if it is used at a later time I could decide that’s it and walk. Has zip to do with LFD/LFR which will not be in WOW Classic based on Blizzard’s direct unequivocal statements.)

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Just a question I never said that’s all you said.

Possible, but given the evidence presented to us, less than likely.

You do understand that the AQ event is well over a year after launch right? They straight up said ‘For launch day load problems’. This is WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY past this timeframe. Assuming this is even a possibility is absolutely absurd.

‘Launch day’

‘Launch day’

It’s going to be quite some time until there is enough people to warrant one of these fights. Plus this doesn’t fall under the launch day load problems they are talking about. The launch day load problems happen in the areas where people are congested the most…I.E. Starting areas.

Implying they go into places like barrens or westfall isn’t a stretch by any means, even though I consider it unlikely, but everything else you mentioned is pure nonsense and doesn’t align with anything even remotely of what they told us.

I find it hilarious that you can sit here and say people are stretching what they said when they said they meant starting areas and only on the first couple weeks, but then you go and say ‘well that could mean AQ event.

Come on dude.

Because in the OP’s mind, every member of the community flipping out about including LFD, would be justifiable, whereas flipping out about temporary sharding in starter areas would not be.

Personally I roughly align with the sentiment, but I wouldn’t be “flipping out”. LFD would literally be a make or break for me and I’d walk. Thankfully, I know that Blizzard has Classic’s best interests in mind so I have no expectation that LFD will ever appear.

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Nice strawman. Not only did I never imply that Blizzard hated me, I didn’t even imply they were lying. I implied Ion was a liar, but that is based off of historical information. I did not imply that the rest of Blizzard was incorrect, just that they were intentionally vague. Which, in turn, it would be rational to assume the worst. But since you like creating strawmen, perhaps I will create one of you. You must be one of those people who fawn over whatever Blizzard says. Then I think you will be disappointed. I see that you are posting on a 120. So you must be of poor taste or a person who intentionally plays bad games.

See how this goes? There is no need for personal attacks. It really does not get us anywhere.

For the record, I don’t think you do intentionally play bad games, more likely just have bad taste.

Wow, so now you know what the OP was thinking. Are you a professional forum troll?

Agreed. Static world competition for level 2 boars isn’t important to me at all. Orgrimmar and Stormwind raids being inescapable slaughters involving hundreds of participants, that demand either defense or flight of the players involved, on the other hand, is extremely important to me.

The only way its rational to assume the worst, is to ignore everything that every Blizzard employee has said on the topic. Which makes it not a rational choice.

Except they didn’t say what you think they said. Which is why your interpretation is not logical. I could say the same for you. You have literal ignored so much information in their statements that it is laughable. I hope you are right. But based on their statements it is unclear.