They will announce temporary sharding

Makes no sense why people think finding people in trade chat is somehow more organic.

I’m sure you guys want to ban Tinder too.

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Notice the last part of the sentence. That is a separate clause. Thus they know sharding is antithetical only when competing over resources. There is nothing about sharding itself being antithetical.

Sentence 2 again indicating that the resources are the issue, not the sharding itself.

Notice how they gave a time frame but the time frame was predicated on an event. The event being too many people in a zone. This is the fear of the community. Perhaps the wording was unintended but that is how I read this.

If this post had stated we will only use sharding in the first few weeks, then I would be ok. But it didn’t say that. It said because of overcrowding we will use it in the first few weeks. So what happens when later zones are overcrowded. A 3,000 person server at max capacity is going to have over 100 people in each zone. Will we have sharding then too? My bet is we will.

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You say

then proceed to provide arguments why its ok to Shard cities. Those arguments, by your own admission, shouldn’t justify sharding in cities at launch, because no-one is there. However, those same arguments are what people use to justify later sharding in cities.

If you’re not arguing for sharding in cities, don’t keep putting up arguments for why its ok to shard cities…

I understand what you’re saying but to counter this Ion did specifically say “In a limited, time limited way” and then mentioned “When you’re in Elwynn or the Valley of Trials”.

You can imply that they aren’t only using sharding in a time limited way, but in another limited way to keep sharding at a minimum and he only mentioned starting areas.

Yes, I understand that this phrasing can be interpreted in many many many ways. But in my mind, this is what they were implying.

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I’m not putting up arguments for why it’s okay to shard cities dude…

Read this next statement and understand it before you comment again.

I was saying that out of all the places where sharding will do the most damage/be the worst place to shard at launch, I do not believe cities is one of those places.

That’s it. That’s all I was saying. I wasn’t saying it’s ok to shard cities or that they should. I said this would have the least impact.

Do you understand what I am saying yet?

Ion probably should’ve treated the announcement of sharding like a press release and not just him talking on stage to a bunch of neckbeards about Classic.

Tell us why if It’s to solve the initial lauch day load problems sharding needs to be used for the first few weeks.

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He couldn’t, because they haven’t nailed it down completely. They specifically didn’t address sharding as an announcement, because they’re still refining (or were at Blizzcon) the specific details. You don’t announce a controversial topic if you’re not sure where you’re going, but he was totally upfront about where they were investigating. That’s not trying to hide anything. They didn’t announce the PVP roadmap either, yet they weren’t hiding PVP from people.

When they have a locked in plan, they’ll announce that locked in plan. I imagine what the plan is, also involves things like server caps, number of servers, how they’re going to handle higher than expected 20+ conversions, how they’re going to deal with dead servers and other things that form a cohesive whole to create a server community.

Like anything else, when they know for sure, they’ll make the announcement.

Because “lauch day” is a misnomer, and may extend for more than just one day. I imagine the “first weekend” is actually going to be the worst period. I’d like to see them lock down “one week” or at most “two weeks” as a hardline for “Even if we’re seeing massive queues, we’ll kill sharding and move to more servers to handle queues” but so far we haven’t gotten specifics.

If launch day is a Tuesday, and they don’t have sharding for the first Saturday and Sunday, then there wasn’t a need for it on Tuesday either.

That is the problem. They never really set any actual limits to sharding. They only IMPLIED limits, and even those implied limits were vague, at best.

Can we have a date on this please? I really want to prepare “The world is ending” Metal theme music that entire day while i read the forums.

I’m not blizzard so anything I say is pure opinion, so this is a really silly question.

But sure I will answer why I think it will be this way.

I believe that blizzard plans on having extremely high server caps for the first few weeks/month (whatever time frame they see) in order to allow EVERYONE to logon and play because of the swarm of tourists there is going to be.

So for example, if they want caps to be at 3k on a matured server, at launch they will have it set to idk 5-7ish k? This will allow everyone to play but this also will make for extremely bad lag that has never been seen before because of how much higher they have the caps. This is where sharding comes in. They add sharding into these zones so the servers aren’t crashing every other second and people are allowed to be spread out.

Once the tourists start to kind of peter out and once the populations start to be more spread out as there will be some who get way ahead of the pack and some that are still sub level 10, then sharding won’t be needed anymore and they can set caps back to a more vanillaish levels and throw in que times. The q times would be an issue for launch day/lauch week because like every launch a lot of people just play 24/7 so the login rates and going to be INSANELY high. But once people go back to work/have a normalized schedule/some of the tourists leave, sharding won’t be needed, q times won’t be 5 hours long, and everyone is happy.

Fair enough, but that’s all we have to work with and they repeated these things over and over again so that’s the most logical way to take it. Anything else is just based off pure speculation with nothing to point towards for evidence to support it. This at least has some vague explanation. I’m not suggesting its a pure 100% explanation, but it’s the best one we have.

I hope you are right. If Ion was truthful regarding this, it would be a first for him.

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I used the same api function this addon uses for picking up keywords in chat to sell food/water/portals to.

It basicly doesn’t add that much besides if you’re not paying attention to chat And I’m not sure if there will be a world chat in classic otherwise you will have to be in a city or solely rely on /1 to find a group.

Would you believe Brian Birmingham, the Classic Lead Dev? Timestamp 3:40

That is why I want Blizzard to set firm, definitive, unequivocal, clear and previse, hard and fast geographical and time limits for sharding.

I do not want to see Blizzard try to leave themselves even the slightest hint of “wiggle room”.

IMO, if they are unwilling to set clearly defined, hard and fast geographical and time limits for sharding, that is a huge red flag that they likely plan to extend sharding much further than they implied.

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Never trust a Blizzard employee’s word. They’ve proven throughout the years that they can’t be trusted.

Wait and see what they actually do; ignore what they say.


Then don’t bother arguing the points here, because without any basis for evidence, your argument is “They lie, so sharding is going to be everywhere” which no-one, not even Blizzard can refute. Even if they said “We decided to abandon sharding everywhere” you’d just pretend they were lying.


How long do you think that they would extend it? I mean… they did say “For launch day load problems”, so having sharding out for like 2 months is pretty much out of the question. Geez even a month would really be pushing it. Yeah I understand that if you really wanted to try and argue that you could but that’s being a little disingenuous to say the least. And like they have said, maybe sharding isn’t what they are looking at and maybe they found another way so clarifying on something that might not even happen is kind of silly.

Either way, with all the updates they have given us and what they have done to show us that they are not messing around with classic, it’s fairly easy to guess that they won’t be doing anything rash here.