They Wanted to Kick Him Because He Didn't Talk, Then His Mom Messaged Me

And I dont think MOST of the ‘yes’ votes are even malicious.
I used to click ‘yes’ myself early on just figuring whoever voted to kick had a good reason. It wasnt till i started healing that i realized that MOST of the kicks I was seeing werent justified at all.
Someone butt pulled a pack…who cares…it doesnt warrant kicking them and making them lose out on 30 minutes of play just because tankypoo had to pick up a little mob for god sake.
Tank needed to take a second to check his map. Big deal. Stop nitpicking the clock and play the game, a kick isnt justified over 3 seconds lost lolol


anymore I have to SEE with my own eyes that the player is doing something wrong or I just dont vote at all and I’ll stop and stand there till the box goes away.
If I see they did nothing wrong, I vote no.
If theyre being problematic or DC for too long and we actually need that slot filled, yeah…kick.

This is very hard to believe… But I will humor it.

If they have these rules for their child, and their child gets upset to the point of tears for being removed from a group in the game, then he should not be playing the game. I feel the same would apply for any online game. They have restrictions on their child, which can unintentionally negatively impact other’s gaming experiences. Additionally if their child is that emotional, over some negative friction from other players in a game, then they are too immature to play the game.

At the end of the day, this is what the online gaming community is. When under the protection of anonymity, people treat each other pretty horribly. Aside from that, it is not other player’s responsibility or duty to play around children, who have rules set by their parents about how they can play.

In this possible scenario, votekick was abused. In many, many others, votekick is not abused and is working as intended. This falls into that category of acceptable collateral damage. With a system like votekick, there will inevitably be some unwarranted kicks. But, as long as the vast majority of those kicks are necessary, the small amount of unwarranted ones is acceptable. Should the ratio change, then they may change something.

But to reiterate. The child was playing under rules set by their parents. The child was also not emotionally mature enough to be playing an online game with a community. At the end of the day, the child shouldnt have been playing WoW in a group, or potentially at all.

At 14 I was hanging out in AOL and mIRC chats.


My therapist says I’m making progress.

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Agreed…which is why, contrary to others assertions, that no one is really asking for the kick to be removed, but mostly for the timeout to be changed so those kicked thru no fault of their own arent wrongfully punished.
Once someone is kicked, they are no longer problematic for the group that kicked them…no further punishment is necessary.
If its that they didnt want to run a certain dungeon…let them leave without punishment…I dont want them feeling coerced to stay and ruining our run.

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There should never ever ever be a reason to kick someone from auto-queue content, except for harrassment and maybe x amount of time DC’d

Vote to kick feature is so obsolete.

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Why is rushing and clicking yes even a thing.

Like, I have never voted to kick someone without investigating why. That is some crazy apathy.

A few things could be done…

Add multiple conditions that atleast one of must be true for a vote kick to be initiated…

  1. the group must have experienced a wipe
  2. the player in question must have initiated the AFK timer
  3. the player in question must have not participated in a boss fight
  4. the player in question must have recently spoken in chat or whispered the player who initiated the vote.

If any one of those conditions are met, then a vote kick can be initiated… condition 4 is a bit contentious and probably has the most potential for abuse, but it is required to allow for vote kicking toxic players, and there honestly isn’t a way to safeguard it against abuse.

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The solution is to incentivize goodness. Maybe people can vote at the end of a dungeon on who they thought was the most helpful, nice, ect person.

You can start to earn rewards based on how many votes you get and votes only count if they’re not in your party. It’s a roughly thought out idea but it WOULD work to an extent.

People are jerks but there are a lot of us nice ones left. :slight_smile:

people will kick so easily for little to no reason anymore. i don’t like to talk much either because social anxiety doesn’t just apply to face-to-face encounters. that or i simply have nothing to say. most times i never vote to kick unless the player is being super toxic. my pc was running a little slow recently and it took me some extra seconds to load into a dungeon and as i was running up behind them killing trash mobs i was kicked. like if someone has to rush through things, they clearly have other important things to do outside of video games, so maybe don’t play video games when pressed for time? also i feel 30 minutes is a bit much, as fast as people run dungeons that much of a buffer isn’t necessary anymore, and i think blizz knows 75% of vote kicks are done to people who shouldn’t be punished because they didn’t speak in chat.

Why does this sound like one of those make-believe copypastas about being a 50 year old man with 4 kids and no free time or whatever?

WoW is rated Teen, that’s 13 and up, if you can’t communicate with other human beings by that age, it’s beyond Blizzard.

I have only ever voted to kick for AFK players, I always hit no just because I know 9 times out of 10 it’s for a ridiculous reason. I mean it’s just a game no need to be rude to players, the kick system is just in regular & heroic just muscle thru is my opinion. We’ve all been in LFR raids with geared people doing 3k dps, and just carry them it’s no biggie.

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or you could just defuse the situation instead of escalating it

you can tell that person has never been on this forum much - if you respond to trolls on here they literally consider that trolling and you might even be sanctioned not the person you respond to.

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That sucks but honestly not being allowed to talk to anybody while playing WoW is kind of a red flag that you should probably be playing a single player game, or something, for exactly this reason. WoW is supposed to be a cooperative game and I would have to say, if you are playing with other people, with the chat turned off, dont be surprised if they kick you because they were trying to do something and you just…didn’t respond.

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Regardless of the title or content of the OP in threads like this, you can guarantee that they will attract exactly the kind of player that the thread/OP is calling out, like flies to honey. Doesn’t matter if these OPs are describing true situations or not when there’re so many replies that help prove their case anyway.

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A parent who lets a kid play an mmo but not talk to other players is asking for it.

Forgot about this entertaining thread, good times.

So glad my parents weren’t helicopter parents like the one in OP’s story, outside of having the talk about being aware of my surroundings irl n online n all that basic common sense stuff.

The young man in OP’s story gonna live with mama til he 60 at the rate that family is goin.

is completely fictitious

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How so? When I started to play WoW I was also 15, during MoP. And yes, my brothers took care of me and I was constantly in a party with them. I didn’t understood it back then but nowadays I get it.