They should have just done WoW Classic/TBC "Remastered"

LFG is on the way, it was in game since original Vanilla WoW.

Better graphics; it’s you mean retail WoW I say no thanks because I dislike the style.

If by better graphics you mean improved textures, sure but the present stock of blizzard artists can’t do it because they only know one style.

Yup. Still around and doing quite well for those who want to play or watch people play at a high level. Although, Reforged was an utter disaster.

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Yuck! The new models and graphics are part of the reason everything post-MoP is unplayable trash.

5 people like this post. FIVE. I would please like to know what you guys are eating/drinking/smoking. Classic models AND animations are absolutely terrible. ESPECIALLY if you are trying to make any character that isn’t eastern European. And the whole “fantasy” aspect of it? Orc, Troll, Tauren, Undead, Night Elf… These races look awful. The characterization that you get is extremely limited. (This is an MMORPG right?) I can’t find a combination on my orc that doesn’t make him look like he’s a middle-aged man dropping a deuce.

Models aside, world textures look terrible as well. There is little to no detail in most classic zones. I can get behind several “Classic is better than retail at xyz”, but this is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve seen on these forums.

And for everyone saying “Oh but retail is all cartoony” then I have two things for you.

  1. Classic still looks cartoony, it’s just overshadowed by the poor design.
  2. Have you played Warcraft 1-3?

On some level, that’s what they tried doing. However, #NoChanges didn’t work.

I think there are some things that are better. I believe the lighting and some of the grass textures are probably way better than what we had back in the day. Like when you run through the grass and it moves? Was that a thing back then? Maybe it was and my PC just couldn’t run it.

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it was in the game during bc. your thinking of lfd which got introduced during 3.3.0 replacing lfg in which it got removed. lfg and lfd are NOT the same thing.

the animations in retail are dog poo. they did a ‘overhaul’ of them in wod prepatch in which they redid all the character model and animations. blood elves now have a permanent sneer on their face that looks like they stepped in dog poop. draenei have duck face. night elves look like bloated botax nightmares. they got rid of race specific animations. the only races they got remotely right were gnomes and dwarves but thats because they had the most time spent on them. none of the new faces matched the old faces at all in terms of looks. the new client no longer allows you to disable shadows which is completely absurd. (yeah i know the tbcc client doesn’t either that’s also absurd.) they completely ruined the gun sound audio to make it sound like a blow dart for some bizarre reason. (its for this reason i no longer transmog to guns in retail without some sort of audio changing mod). death knight blood elves are really bad they walk real stilted and a lot of the races audio files got changed for the worse. the race/model overhaul in retail was and is a unmitigated trainwreck piled on top of a 25 car pileup. and what stings the most is everyday that i log into retail i have to look at that horrible mess they call an ‘update’.

Well we can each have our own opinion. Only reason I came back to retail was because I feel the animations and graphics are way better now then the dog crap they used to have.

you like crap graphics, maybe because you can’t afford a decent pc? i don’t know…

i prefer good graphics, with more detail.

As I said before, to each their own.

sitting here with a 3080 ge force 10900k intel cpu with 32gb ddr4 3200ram but yeah i can’t afford a decent pc.
or maybe i like gameplay over graphics.
wow has never been about having shiny graphics.
if your looking for shiny graphics your playing the wrong mmo.


I absolutely hate the male troll walk/run now.

I knew you’d come back with your setup :rofl:

Just because you like “OLD/OUTDATED” graphics doesn’t mean everyone should.

As stated again and again… to each their own.

Plus… if you like gameplay, then yeah… I’m not sure why you are trolling, because the animations are much smoother now then they were before

edit: I call BS on your rig there

Why did you attack people’s income after saying “to each his own”? Just because someone doesn’t like your preferred style doesn’t mean they are poor or whatever.

I 100% agree with the part about everyone liking different styles.

I’m ok with the new graphics except I don’t like the new character models. That is for sure a personal opinion. I’d be ok with a toggle.

Ok, don’t get butt hurt. I’m only making an assumption why someone would prefer older graphics over newer ones.

They can like the older graphics all they want. Just doesn’t make sense UNLESS perhaps you can’t afford it.

It’s like buying a game for the PS ONE graphics, when they remastered and updated the game for PS5 (which you also own). But you still chose the PS ONE game???

I’m not the one spittin “measurements” buddy.

Comprehension evades you :man_facepalming:

Nah, you literally said he must have had a crap PC to enjoy poor graphics…don’t run from what you’ve started. Or do, and be a :clown_face:

Nah, everything was pretty much plastic back in the day. The graphics are definitely better.

If you want to know what things looked like then, go to your graphics settings, and set them to “3.” That’ll give you a pretty good idea.


I did like the april fools vidoe proclamation of ‘and with sound!’.

Yeah… i said if he likes the crappy graphix, then PERHAPS it’s because he can’t afford a decent PC.

No where in that statement is that a measurement or making fun of someone if they didn’t have a decent PC.

It’s an assumption or trying to come to an understanding why someone would enjoy old graphics.

Now please stop talking… you are literally so dumb you make my head hurt.

Because those games aren’t MMORPG’s. The irony is that a lot of the conveniences that they added to the game over the years were convenient because they made it less necessary for players to socialize with other players. But encouraging players to socialize, make friends, and use teamwork to overcome objectives is a hallmark of good MMORPG game design, and those conveniences actually made the game worse, not better, IMO, because they destroyed the community.

Also, as others have pointed out, the modern graphics are not necessarily an improvement. To some people they are worse because they make everything look too silly and cartoony.

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