They should have just done WoW Classic/TBC "Remastered"

Like they did with SC, WC3 and they are doing with Diablo II.

They could have done Classic and TBC with the better graphics/models, LFG tool, guild functions.
Quite a bit of useful stuff has made life easier since vanilla and it really doesn’t have to affect gameplay does it?
just my opinion anyway. Would have been nice.


but if it doesnt affect gameplay, why do it?


Normally I would be on the side of keep it authentic but with blizzards changes and the amount of people asking for things im just gonna grab some popcorn and enjoy the ride until it’s over.


for the same reason they did SC, WC3 and Diablo II… thought that was implied from my post?

To each their own, but man…the modern game looks HORRIBLE to me. I can’t stand it. Just generic fantasy Disney nonsense. The models all look worse than the originals. The animations are atrocious. I had to stop playing several races because the run animations were so bad.

Classic’s graphics, models and animations are one of the biggest selling points to me.


but what is the reason?

except lfg was in tbc…

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LFG was not in TBC, not how your thinking, the TBC LFG was more similar to the LFG Bulliten Board addon than to retail LFG, retail LFG was introduced in PAtch 3.3 conciding with the launch of ICC

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no that was lfd. lfg WAS in tbc.


This would be too much work for them, and we know they don’t want to work.



Personally, I think they should go the Atari 2600 route for even better graphics, amirite?


Yes, but that would have taken actual effort & talent on the part of Activision-Blizzard.

This is absolutley correct. This is what i wanted and have always wanted. Some of these peons will say stuff like " we wanted authentic" and that is bs. That is what they wanted. Tbc is an awesome expansion. It could be even better and that better version is what i want. Tbc reforged.


Idk about WC3 I mean is that game still around?

Qol. Appearance. All kinds of reasons. I have a modern computer. We should be able to enjoy better graphics.

That doesnt change the gameplay at all. They added dual spec in future expansions and have history to show how much of an improvement it was. Doesnt change the gameplay.

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I’d only be ok with the graphical change if it could be toggled because I don’t like the modern graphics, especially the majority of the character models.

You mean develop a third set of models? Because the retail ones are pretty lame. Bringing those to Classic would be a mistake.

And the problem is that one persons harmless change that wouldn’t affect gameplay is another persons bright red line.

No it wasn’t. It was a crude tool that no one used and just had options for quest and dungeons visibility.

History? That’s why you and many other came back to the original version? Lol… plz do tell us how it’s done our Retail overlord.

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No thanks!

I cannot stand the updated character models, nameplates, mounts, and many other things!!!