They must be “Cooking”, have to be

Call it hope, copium or really at this moment blind faith, but I still think Shaman in now “Beta” still going to get adjustments and QoL changes.

I seriously cannot fathom a world that Shaman goes into TWW without our trees being adjusted and brought to 1 point nodes, visuals for a lot of our abilities, Ascendance, Totems and Lightning Bolt being brought up to today’s standards.

I cannot see Shaman going into TWW not finally getting our defensives looked at, or leaving us not going getting some sort of Raid/Group Buff.

They’ve seriously done insane work on Mage, Paladin, Monk, Druid, Warlocks and now Death Knights with insane pruning, QoL changes, multiple adjustments on Hero Trees, really top knotch work.

I don’t know, I just think during next build in Beta we are going to get an insane amount of changes, visual upgrades and the whole shebang dumped all at once. It has to be coming, it just has too.

They must be cooking a banquet for us, they have to be.


Friend. There’s a reason you’re posting from an Evoker.

You don’t last as a shaman main by getting your hopes up. You last by expecting the bare minimum, and sighing and moving on with your day when they don’t even deliver that.


I doubt it. If they had major overhauls planned they would have put it in alpha or at the very least said something.

At best shamans will see some minor changes to hero talents.


Looking at what they still have to do:

DH, Rogues got reworked recently, so I’m discounting major changes to them.

Reworks needed:
Hunters of all specs
Shaman of all specs
Evokers of all specs
Holy Pally
Priests of all specs
Warriors for the most part of all specs

That is alot for them to get done in Beta, when they tend to view Beta as “fine tuning the big changes we made in Alpha”

Maybe, but I have a feeling there will be classes/specs that get the “we’ll get to you in the .1 patch”

See Enhancement was just reworked we do not need a rework. What we need some tweaks and to have some talents changed/removed. We do not need or want to go back to legion/bfa version where we are a poormans fury warrior. As it is now Enhancement play is good.


Enhancement play is awful. It’s a 10-12 button “rotation”(priority list) where you hit whatever lights up depending on what comes off cooldown and what procs. That isn’t fun in hard content because you’re watching for other things like swirlies or upcomming mechanics that will kill you or wipe the group/raid. I can only go by the profile you’re posting on but it doesn’t look like you’ve done any high level play all expansion and not since S1 SL.

Enhancement is fun for those that like having lot of buttons to push and there is no pressure to push them right. When DPS does matter and missing a single swirlie gets you killed that fun falls off a cliff…

I do not have a 10-12 button rotation. Altho I play storm I play storm build.

As I said we need tweaks not a full rework. Combine some abilities remove others and tweak the talent tree but no we do not need a full rework. It is bad to ask for one considering we just had a rework and then they added to us like they have others. And if your having issues keeping track of what needs to be pressed while doing mechanics. It is a you issue. But that is just my take.

MY guild imploded and my work schedule has made it hard for me to do really any raiding considering. I work Thurs-Sun 7pm-7am.

That being aside from doing what I have been able to play I have no issues with my build doing content that I can get done which is lower keys…But alas its the ohh you don’t do the content I do so your opinion dosn’t matter. Which is just bad…

Im not certain shaman will get the 1 point talent node treatment in its talent tree this time around.

But I do feel like something is going to happen to the shaman class

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why should they rework evokers? they literally just made them.

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There’s no way that they release shaman in the horrible stinky state they were during season one of this expansion, right?

I need this…

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I wish I had a fraction of your optimism.


Insert James Franco “First Time” meme

Lets get real here, there are no big changes coming.

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There has been no communication from them to us, so even if they are cooking something, it’s not going to be something we want.

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Hunter and Shaman.

The rest don’t need reworks, especially Priest and Evokers; those remaining classes you listed need slight talent adjustments at most. Hell, Warriors and Evokers already had a ton of that in Alpha. Warriors need some small changes to the core tree and they’ll be set.

6 tree reworks and small adjustments to a couple classes is easily something that can accomplished in 2 months. They completely reworked all of DK, Mages, and Warlocks, while marking consistent changes to Rets, Warriors, and Evokers, in the 7~ weeks of Alpha.

I’m not saying it’s coming just that’s it really not as large of a task that you’re making it out to be.

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I liked Enh in SL much more than DF.

I’m not the biggest fan of any of the Enhancement capstone talents. Thorim’s/DRE carries the storm build, I’d rather SS/WF were better but that can’t happen because the capstones for that build are the focus of the entire build.

Pwave is Pwave, didn’t like it in SL and I don’t like it now. No added talents is going to make it better. (I miss Fae Transfusion and Chain Harvest, either would have been better imo.)

Wolves has become a maintenance buff and I hate it.

I don’t really think any of the above is going to change. We’ll be lucky if they bother to update Stormstrike’s damage type to Stormstrike damage.

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I agree tbh. Elementalist enhance flows pretty well, has some of my fave gameplay and I’ve recently come back to my shaman after going through a caster main phase.

It feels good both gameplay wise and thematically. A few changes and I’d be happy. Remove the target cap for one, its an absolute huge L for the spec in m+ while other classes can easily pump out insane numbers without restriction.

For me, its the hero specs that need the biggest overhaul. Stormbringer didnt live up to my expectations and well… totemic needs to seriously be re-evaluated.

Some tweaks to the enhance tree would be great and some new additions would be cool too, but enhance playstyle (to me) is the best its ever felt.

I hate it so much. Doing keys on fortified weeks feels like I’m getting carried and it’s just incredibly frustrating. I can keep up on the boss fights, but once the tank pulls more than six targets on trash the other DPS just outpace me and the more trash that’s pulled the further ahead they get.


Enhancement needs the basics of what all Shaman need

  1. Raid buff (WF totem is stupid and party buffs shouldn’t exist in this world)
  2. Survivability
  3. Uncapped AOE of some kind
  4. Reduced 2pt talents

I provided something similar for Ele, but for Enh:

  1. Windfury changed to a class wide raid buff that gives 3% haste.
  2. Elemental Orbit providing 8% DR to the shaman if they have Earth Shield on themselves.
  3. All the 2pt nodes brought down to 1pt nodes like the Demo Tree.
  4. Crash Lightning no longer has a target cap.
  5. Fix hero trees to feel like less uninspired garbage with better visuals.

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