They must be “Cooking”, have to be

Doesn’t it already not have a cap? The damage is just bad. Or are you saying to eliminate the “beyond 6 targets” part?

See I am loving Storm and all the WF talents.

Understandable what I was trying to convey was that this Iteration of Enhancement is the best it has been in Since mop. Only thing that would make it better would to be return ES as our nuke and return the debuff to SS like it used to have. Return Frost shock to our slow and have MW buff our shocks depending on what shock is used.

IE have it buff Flame Shock by having it spread or tick for more damage or longer, Have Frost Shock make you slower to make it where it Freezes you in place slowing your cast/attack speed and for Earth Shock make it crit have 100% crit or something to make it a hard hitting nuke so that we have to choose between utility, burn, or a nuke. That is what I would love to see.

Again compared to how we were in legion/BFA I love this version of Enhancement. It does not need a rework just a few tweaks.

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Honestly, I wish to get rid of the capstone talents and replace them with ones that just make the core kit better. Make SS better, make WF better, make shocks better, and make them all interact with each other more. I want the core of our kit to be more impactful, but Blizzard wants more impactful big CDs or loaded passives(DRE) so I doubt I’ll ever see it happen.

I loved LotFW in SL. Just wish it was more competitive.

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I think some people just complain to complain. Farseer does look a little boring, but its going to be putting out some real good heals. Almost infinite riptides, ancestor procs off riptides, hydrobubble, etc.

Ele, i think, could almost be meta with the Tempest build.

Enhance, Im not so sure about yet. It definitely has the fun factor. But the hero talents for Totemic seem wonky.

Just about everyone complains about a lack of defensives. We have 1, which sucks for Enh. Ive not had any issues with it in M+ or PvP. If we had strong defensives AND our strong heals, we would be beyond bonkers broken.

I miss Chain Harvest you have no idea how many times that saved me in wpvp. I prefer it over the capstone we have now.

I havent looked at the hero talents. When people say rework usally they just mean the spec needs a rework.

In this case Enhancement doesn’t need a rework it needs to be tweaked which includes removing talents or capstones to be replaced with others.

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I actually don’t like the concept of Hero Talents. All it’s doing is moving throughput from our spec trees into these new ones.

Everyone is saying enh doesnt need a full rework and i totally agree but isnt that what makes it even more frustrating. like they’re not even willing to give us the slightest amount of attention

How? Tempest doesn’t work with any of the Lightning Bolt talents. It’s useless in it’s current iteration.

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Warriors have better self heals and more defensives though…

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Reading this literally tells me that some people just dont understand shamans, or the game, and kind of makes me giggle. I have a motto in life that I read years ago. “Before arguing with an idiot, make sure that person isnt about to do the same thing.” And im gonna leave that right here.

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IIRC Tempest and Stormbringer Hero Talents is still buggy and isn’t working correctly with alot of talents and even haste buffs.

Agree, at the moment Enh is in a good place (if lacking AoE). I suspect a more nuanced review is needed.

  • Base trees need some clean up, with some non-dps improvements needed.
  • Enhance/Storm/Stormbringer works as a concept, and reasonably well as an execution, needs some clean up.
  • Enhance/Elemental/Totemic is BAD (Broken As Designed), and needs serious redesign to be workable.

I like what they are trying to do with Totemic, it just doesn’t do it well. The only way something like Supportive Imbuements makes sense is if they reworked Flametongue.(doubt) The idea that each Hero Talent tree should cater to one of the enh playstyles each is one that I don’t necessarily agree with.(not that the design has to be something in need of my approval) Ideally, I would like a tree that works with both and a tree that undermines both builds, becoming its own thing.

Ultimately Hero Talent trees implementation can’t be judged until they implement changes to the base tree. Unfortunately, they haven’t touched ours and haven’t communicated whether they plan to. I still think they will, but I can understand at this point peoples’ belief that they won’t due to how late into development it is getting. On the other hand, it isn’t out of line with Blizzard’s history to implement a spec rework less than a month before the content is released. Hopefully we see something within the next couple weeks so that there is time for some feedback and iteration.

as an enhance main you don’t just push whatever lights up. there’s prio in the rotation. if you’re playing DDR with your rotation, you’re not getting the most out of it that you should.


I do hope they are cooking with the shaman class. Part of the reason I keep quitting is how I’m constantly reminded the class fantasy I fell in love with is being sidelined more and more as the game progresses. I like totems and outside of restoration shaman I feel they have very little representation. Heck, fire totems are nearly extinct.

I’m not sure what the solution is. That’s for the devs to figure out. I just know I’m disappointed in the lack of shaman fantasy that I fell in love with.


That’s exactly why I wrote, “rotation”(priority list), guessing you missed that.

bud, right after that you stated “where you hit whatever lights up” you obviously don’t understand what priority means. several things light up for enhancement, that just means it’s ready, that doesn’t mean it’ll be the most effective.