They made delves worse again

Just like Tanks and Dps should not need to swap roles to do solo content, neither should healers. And yes, I know you do not “need” to, it is just currently miserable if you do not.


I don’t think so because delves are also content that helps you get better with your class and using your whole toolkit.

A healer design is to keep people alive, so them being the only class that gets a tank brann should be it.

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Is that hyperbole or are people really taking 5 hours for a delve.

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This sounds like blizz.

The delve before did not sound like blizz.

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There are also limits to how much a dps can survive if Bran is not tanking anything for them, things hit way too hard even with just auto attacks currently for some specs.

Definitely hyperbole, even after all the nerfs Brann can still finish a run on his own in under an hour pretty easily.


It would likely take that long to pull everything 1 by 1, but probably some hyperbole. :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree, my husband a fury warrior is having it rough. As a ret paladin I don’t have that issues.

The healer brann is suppose to counter the lack of self sustain and they did buff him.

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This would help solve party delve balance problems. Each person queuing would pick a role and the roles not chosen (if any) would be filled by NPCs.

Makes sense, right? Never happen, right?


Then I guess we both realise that there is no one fix to Delves currently, they released in such a broken state that MANY changes are needed all at once.

You are bricked on priest healers currently if you get forced to fight certain mobs/bosses that REQUIRE an interrupt, that is just tragic.


I think Healers should have a Tank option for Brann.

There I said it.


I’ll never understand this. As a healer myself, I’m not going to gimp myself out in the world. But you do you, I guess.

That aside, yes… they screwed up Delves. From the start and continually.


That also does decent damage, these 250k Bran+Me overall damage devles are miserable just because of how long they take.

Also, you can barely even keep this chimp npc alive anymore, you can bomb into him and he still flops over, is not even worth it most of the time anymore.


Mentioned it before but I feel like fixing brann and the not so agnostic delve issues really easily. All it would take is adding a few delve actions you can assign to your hot bar these will of course change slightly in function based on who your companion is in future seasons. I think first button would be something that forces your companion to switch targets to your target, the second button would have brann/companion use their interrupt, third wouldn’t be needed per say but would be nice, have your companion loot any nearby curios because often time the buggers stand right ontop of them. They could then scale Brann a little differently based on spec and class to make up the difference. The ability to scale him already exists.


I don’t think anyone would seriously try fire mage in a delve, but think of the shadow priests who can’t pick frost. :grimacing::scream: Ugggghhhh


Really? How do you know this? Who is on which side?


Oh we can both agree with that.

What I would do? Remove auto attacks. Use plunder system. Do certain things at the boss that will change what type of fight it is. Like the old hard mode system in wrath raids. (but instead of hard mode just have it be either more friendly to caster or melee base off the choices made during fight.)

And balance out the damage output.

That would fix a good chunk of the issues.


I would heal that idiot except that he’s an idiot


Shadow Priests, like the other specs, at the very least has Access to “Dominate Mind” and those NPCs so actually hold threat, and Shadow has a kick unlike the other two priest specs.


Yeah, there is an extremely large amoutn of “per spec” tuning/design that needs done. Some specs just do not have the toolkit to deal with what delves have.

Even something as simple as needing one interrupt every 30 minutes is too much to ask for two specs currently in the game.


100 percent agree as a ret paladin and a bad player I can easily solo 8.

My husband who is really good at this game, as a fury warrior. Feels like he wants to punch his monitor at how slow and painful it is.