They had the Balls, and Actually did it!

I couldn’t be paid to step into PvP proper and I’m super hyped for zombie times.


I wouldn’t have a problem with it were it opt-in, but it sounds like it’s full-on Rallos Zek levels of nonsense. Which, as an EverQuest veteran, I can tell you is a very bad idea.

I don’t think they’ll have it for weeks maybe about 30minutes each.

Or you could just get with it? I mean technically I just got griefed by a random zombie who caused me to infect others because I wasn’t about to not go to my destination. I self-destructed immediately and had about an 8 second corpse run, oh noes flagged but if there’s alliance in the great seal they can come at me.

TL;DR: This isn’t as bad as some might think. And it’s temporary, I could see how it would get old after awhile.

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1 week is how long it lasted last time, or maybe it was 2. It was pretty short. People getting worked up over nothing.


It’s kinda bonkers outside the cities with nobody around to thin the populations.


Multiply that corpse run by a couple dozen times, and you’ll see it starts to wear out its welcome MUCH faster than you’d expect. It’s like War Mode in general, but at least I can turn that off after I get ganked.


But in reason,30minute every 4-6 hrs is good enough so people wouldn’t be worked up with it. It would still be neat.

I’m not terribly entertained. It’s neither exciting nor interesting. It’s just annoying that I can’t do my quests without finding the nearest healer first.

I assume it’ll start small, outside of Stormwind, and then slowly build to what it is now. This will allow us to do our quests but also be annoying without getting in the way of progression.


Every so often, with reasonable amounts of time between … perfectly fair. Have some kind of a warning in the zone so people can hearth out of they don’t want to get involved.

Because with how hard the zombies hit and the fact they seem to surround the healers who can PURGE it … you WILL get infected. And that’s a 30 minute debuff.

Also with how many there are, you won’t stay out of combat long enough to mount up.

IE you’re forced to participate.

World Events should be voluntary, especially if you want any rewards from it. They should never be forced on you. Because when you force something on a person, they won’t like it.


It’s the end of expansion, what progression?

Quest progression, I mean.

I’ll see you all when the game is playable again, I guess. :man_shrugging:

I already said it but can’t say it enough, I like when they interject chaos. It makes it more like a dynamic world, which I always thought was the point of MMOs. EQ GMs used to organize mini events with NPCs that could blind you, which blacked out your monitor. All while it was snowing in the zone where that never happened.

I won’t pretend this event will never ever annoy me, but overall I’m happy with the temporary changeup.

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I want Ragnaros to spawn in stormwind :frowning:

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I agree,it should be a choice.

It would still be better if you opted-in instead of having it forced on you. That’s why War Mode exists. If this kind of thing sounds like your cup of tea, or if you think you want to try zombie-slaying, then have at it. Forcing it on everyone however is a bad idea.

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Oh man,come on you want sw fries.

Another option would be to phase it. People are going to complain because you know that no matter how blizzard tries to tame it, people will find a way to abuse it.

Blizzard constantly fails to understand that if you give players unrestricted power … they’re not going to use it responsibly.

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