You mean to protect federal property?
Because that’s all they did.
But this isn’t the place to be discussing this.
You mean to protect federal property?
Because that’s all they did.
But this isn’t the place to be discussing this.
Think it will make it to live?
It’s been a hot minute since WotLK but it feels FAR more intense than what I remember of the WotLK version. Like, the ground of Orgrimmar is basically not safe at all there are so many zombies. It’s absolutely nuts so far and I love it!
I took a screenshot of Boralus near the training dummies.
My framerate took a massive hit the moment I turned that way. There’s hundreds of them in just that spot.
But only on my hunter for some reason.
My druid managed to log in to a shard completely devoid of zombies.
The devs have their hearts set on bringing back all the bad judgment calls of the past and doubling down on them, regardless of how many unsubscribed over it the first time around.
If it goes live as is I’ll just do whatever the bare minimum is to get the FoS then opt out of participating. Which is sad, prepatch usually has nice gear for alts
Wrath zombie invasion had many days of ramp-up before it became overwhelming. This is like last days.
People are trying to make this a big deal. Meanwhile I’ll be sitting in my garrison if I got to do anything that a capital city would need me to.
I wonder how hard running a key would be within this madness.
The sociopaths are going to have a field day.
I’ll be in my garrison.
I would bet going in instanced content will rid you of the debuff. If you mean just pvp, I don’t think it will be that bad in sharded zones with multiple dungeons.
I mean mythic plus dungeons and getting to the dungeon itself. Will there be crazy little zombies around the zones? GG if you have siege of boralus
And I say that will some form of excitement
I mean you can fly.
Not all dungeons are near areas you can fly, but, yeah, I think those areas will be a bit calmer and away from the combative milieu.
It’s just getting to Kul Tiras or “Sandalar” that would be a bit trixxy
I was just thinking to myself "time to move my bank alts/AH slaves out of stormwind. since they are lowbies, they could still go to Teldrassil. or i could park them in exodar.
come to think of it, i should probablly move all my toons i was planning to level during prepatch out of stormwind and to the questing locale i chose for them.
my 120s will enjoy the chaos though. can’t freaking wait. i’ll prbablu get irritated to all hell, but I still look forward to it.
Blizz, don’t nerf it. even though i haven’t tried it on the PTR yet (my DK got lost in the twisting nether after being DCed three times from the PTR, so i had to wait a bit, then got caught up in farming on live) I think its going to be fun to see this going down. those who complain about it can find safe zones or suck it up for the month or so that we’ll have till launch.
we all know there’s going to be next to no one in exodar and, for far different reasons, Darnassus. though higher levels won’t get to access Darnassus, but still. exodar should be a safe place. actually, maybe blizz could make it an actual immune area for those who don’t want to deal with it.
EDIT: I didn’t even think about the garrison for higher level people. thats got everything you need. bank, mailbox, and auction house, if you’ve got the trading post and have done whatever needs doing for the AH. I haven’t done it myself, even though i have the TP at lvl 3, so i have no idea beyond collecting the parts for it.
Amazed that those mad lads put a pandemic event in the game.
Not complaining as I LOVED the Scourge Event. …But I will quote the late, great Sir Christopher Lee.
Actually it did, it was all over the news when the CDC started watching it. And said they took some notes that could help in future outbreaks.
We all see how much it helped.
This was my thought as well, Garrisons are going to make a comeback