I’m limiting myself for very good reasons; I don’t feel enjoyment from acts of evil, whether virtual or real. I don’t go out of my way to take out mobs, and will usually just teleport away from enemies that aggro me unless I literally can’t or they’ve done something to warrant my anger.
Like, I don’t get how you’re arriving at ‘you’re so self-limiting’. I want to play a heroic character that does heroic things, and I also don’t want to negatively impact another player’s experience, just as I wouldn’t want mine negatively impacted. This means I tend to stay away from PvP, I don’t go super-kill-crazy, I even try to avoid hitting critters in a fight (that means no Arcane Explosion unless I can see I’m clear). I’m just nice, I guess.
EDIT: I’ve done PvP in the BC era. I had a Forsaken Frost Mage that would pick fights, ambush Alliance wherever they were found, organized a group on occasion to go get HFP towers or just roam around and… It wasn’t really fun. The character made it to about 87 and then I deleted it because I had a mage I liked much better (this one!).
I had to go look, but I do have the cloth chest for this set on my hunter, which is a loss. I don’t remember what you had to do to get them, but I do remember people were farming FOREVER trying and many never saw the pieces. (Or never saw the pieces they needed.)
I’m more worried about the other events. I hope they have invasion points all over the world like they did in the original it would suck if you just sat at Icecrown all day farming the Scourgestones.
I’m questioning their Morality while being horde. Being that far into the pacifist side of things just doesn’t fit in with horde like at any level. Even Thrall is willing to burst some critters.
Killing others is universally accepted as an act of evil; you sure as hell didn’t get to 120 without killing a single mob.
See above. Playing heroic characters involving killing off beings for the greater good. You’re okay with that as long as it servers the greater good? Even at the expense of them? What if…the kobolds were only mining for copper in order to make their candles burn brighter; yet some quest giver tell you to kill all of them off just because he directed you to do so?
Deleting a character because that particular character had killed an opposing faction player…
All the time, you have no idea how many times I have to tell people This is just a suite I skinned for my forsaken. It’s strictly because of the name… No worgen option for the horde so…
On the theme of this zombie event, I had an idea for a battleground, a zombie game mode where 1-2 players start as zombies and have to catch or kill the enemy players which puts them on the zombies team until 1 is left (or time runs out and players win). Make it so you can’t kill the zombies but you can CC them to try and escape.
Could be pretty fun, infected game modes are usually some of my favourites.
I have tried this on the ptr. It is awesome! However, they really need to give the zombies a moderate nerf, reduce the lag generated from the npcs endlessly respawning(or give it a cooldown), and have many more ardent healers around cities to help out for this to be much better. The zombies are very strong right now especially because of how many there are of them. One zombie is equal to a players strength right now and it shouldn’t be from how it appears.