They had the Balls, and Actually did it!

You’d get a lot of people a lot less upset if you simply incorporated participation into War Mode. It’s so, so easy.

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Just because you’re able to live in some suburban house away from everyone and everything, doesn’t mean that you’re able to pretend over the fact that anything and everything happening in the world does affect YOU, directly or indirectly. While you may not recognise those antics, does not make you immune to them.

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Then you would upset the other half…because it just ruined 90% of the fun.

…? What the hell does this have to do with anything in this thread?

I’m not doing war mode thank you.

PvP will survive just fine without unrestricted ganking.

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It’s not much of a world event if the whole world isn’t impacted. It’s an xpac boundary, things get weird during those. I don’t think it’s a big deal.

EDIT: And for whatever it’s worth, I run with WM off 99% of the time.

You’ve already answered.

Memories indeed. Me and my guildies found a spot overlooking the drag in Org and we were hiding up there from the zombies…then we started laughing because we were zombies (we were all Forsaken mains) hiding from zombies XD


Enable it in WM. disable it in pve mode. those that want it can have fun, and wm will be full of enthusiastic players for the event. They might even decide they like WM. win win.

Its not all about being a zombo though. Protecting the Crossroads was so much fun last time and I didn’t have cool aoe options like i do now!

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It doesn’t have to be a deal at all if it just respects whether or not you have to opt-in, either via War Mode or a short questline.

I really don’t get it. Because I hate PvP, you think, what, I hate the world?

It’s not PvP in the same nature though. It’s PvX. I’m not about to turn my warmode on. I don’t like PvP. . I do like PvX though.

It’s times like this that makes those memories memorable! :smiley:

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Now days, they are like 9000 other AH to go to sell their stuff

It’s PvP. The only thing that’s happening is you need a debuff first to be the aggressor.


You hate whatever doesn’t align with you with such force because it threatens to the very being of you.

I don’t particularly feel like arguing, but as I said before I fail to see the point in a world event that doesn’t impact the whole world. It’s as lame as Ahune then.

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And you attack your own faction, and you use a different set of abilities, and killing makes your faction grow…

Yep sounds like normal old PvP to me.

… Uh, okay. All I’m asking for is to be able to opt-out. If I can’t have that, then I just won’t log in until I get confirmation the event’s over. I’d rather be able to play, but hey, some people are jerks.