They had the Balls, and Actually did it!

The zombies have discord this time. Its going to be much worse than expected.


Again, as seems to be going above a number of heads in this thread: I do not mind the event. Provided there are some provided protections to questing NPCs, or at least making quests acceptable/completable while the NPC is infected or dead, and a War Mode-esque toggle is added to allow folk to not participate against their will, then this event is fine. Have at it. Infect the world and have your PvP fun.

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so why not give us the option to opt out ? if this event is oriented toward a certain player base (which I’m very happy for them) I would like to opt out.

why are you so self centered to the extend where you think its either your way or dont play.


The PvX nature of it is what makes it fun. Blizzard knows this, many will deny it. I won’t. PvX is what makes it fun, and if someone yells at me for it. That’s the butter on the popcorn. WIth just PvP the event loses much of its traction. It won’t feel very invasion like either. Zombies don’t ask for consent that is part of the fun.

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PvP? What? This affected everyone, players, NPCs, quest givers and receivers, even the humble vendors. It is not a case about being ‘too nice’.

Some things in life that you dislike, but still have to do just for the sake. Why should this be any different, eh? Your life would be far more enriched if you go outside your comfort zone more often. You never know, you might like it.

An mmo is destroyed when you have players opt out of everything. There are players that will opt out of even the sight of other players if they’re allowed to. This is bad for a mmo. Player contribution and inclusion is it’s bread and butter and key to mmo’s success. Giving players Opt outs on everything destroys that.


okay boomer

Like I’ve said … “your right to FUN ends where my right to FUN starts.”

And FORCING people to do content is the fastest way to make them HATE the content.






If your going to be a worthless meme repeater. At least put some effort into it.

Here next time you want to say something so stupid. At least do it with some class.


From someone playing a “boomer’s” game? O_o, Don’t you have Fortnite to play?

That i remembered lol run mage run and didn’t have a mount then either :pleading_face:

That’s how you make this event a real hit.

Every time you kill someone as a zombie you do the Fortnite default dance.

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I wouldn’t care if they would atleast try to make it sound classy when they just repeat the brain dead dribble. Kids these days… they have no brains. All these zombies are gonna starve.

Oh, the Vanilla version was just PvE from what I remembered. HUGE space ships outside the city that would summon undead hordes into city. People QQ’d about that too though cause those NPCs just destroyed everyone that wasnt in raid gear.

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Ruining someone’s leveling and questing experience in an ill-pushed ‘event’ is a great way to introduce them to the world at large. I sure know I feel great every time I get shanked by a rogue 30 levels higher than me. Oh, and now they’re corpse-camping. Guess it’s a graveyard warp and res sickness. Fun, fun, fun!

By that logic, and sheer size alone, Onyxia should be able to smack me with her hand and I immediately die by kinetic force. There has to be a limit to the invasion, and the line I drew is very reasonable.

I’ve suggested small-scale protections that allow NPCs to be infected and slain but also allow leveling and questing players to turn in and accept new quests.

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So you want to protect the alts and quest turn-ins. You’re choosing to die on that hill? Okay, then.

Ghouls don’t live that long to corpse camp >.<.
Edit: apparently they do live long now.

I mean, yes? This is somehow a bad hill to die on? So that someone’s leveling experience doesn’t get derailed by an event happening literally worldwide?

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These ones do, but coud be because of lag. Just walked all the way from Org to Tanaris lol.

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Back for the WotLK event I was amazed how upset it made some. Like jeez, it’s a short temporary thing that’s around for a week or two and then won’t be heard from again for a decade+. It changes the otherwise painfully static scenery for a bit, and a lot of people enjoy it, but it can’t happen because it messes with bank alts who stare at the AH window all day? Come on.

This time there really is no excuse, go park yourself in your garrison or some secluded corner of Outland with your dino if you want to dodge it so badly.