It’s REALLY not. omg take it from people who played it. Ghouls are crappier than all the mobs in BFA. It’s like playing against .003 of a player, at that point does it even round up to a player?
Let me spell it out: I hate killing other players. With a passion. If I run War Mode, it’s for the XP buff. I’m basically a free kill otherwise unless I can Invis and then Teleport away.
The infection is what makes it unbearable. RNG that robs me of the ability to do anything but either die or, well, die via guard-inflicted suicide is dumb, and I would rather avoid it altogether.
And you can, I did during the event when I got tired of it. You just mount up and run away. Ghouls are harmless, they don’t infect you unless you are trying to pet one.
I mean, yes? People have done the same for things more serious. Pathfinder, Visions, TF, whatever. Still, if I can’t opt-out in game, I can opt-out out of game. PSO2 is in NA, after all.
that is fair, you don’t like it. However it’s not exactly the same as the type of pvp from Warmode. So trying to get it regulated to warmode ruins the event.
I just find it odd that some people would be willing to be this inflexible over how game devs want to roll out events in video games to commemorate an event/story…
Bit of a warning on PS02 I tried it a couple days back… It crashes more then anything I ever played before. Couldn’t go 10minutes without a random Crash.
Yeah, I hear you…but there is always someone trying to get rid of the stuff I like. I hate it, and Blizzard almost always listens to them. Makes a person want to sneeze on someone.
During the last one I infected every outpost I could. Most didn’t last but some like Crossroads would have a constant spreading from infected NPCs to new NPC spawns.
Well, I skipped Horde War Campaign as well because I was thoroughly disgusted by the corpse-elf and couldn’t stand interacting with her or her corpse-toy. If Tauren weren’t stuck on Horde, you better believe I’d have rolled Blue this time.