They had the Balls, and Actually did it!

And that’s a problem that doesn’t need to be exacerbated.

EDIT: I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for a toggle between ‘Yes, please include me in this event!’ and ‘No, I’d rather not participate, and forfeit any rewards the event would grant.’

no its not…not in this context

do you have to grind to progress certain things sure, but this event is completely irrelevant to the progress of your character and story. you just run around as a zombie infecting people for the sake of it

So it’s A-OK to Force PvE onto PvP but not PvP onto PvE?

I understand now…

You are a hypocrite.

Uh, this event was before my time, but…why does it take balls to rehash an event they’ve done multiple times in the past?

Really? You’ve participated in threads where I’ve argued for separated PvP and PvE progression. You’ve quoted me on that very topic!

This is a global event that forces PvE players to participate in PvP. Unlike Legion it’s not confined to cities. It’s world wide. Nothing like this has happened sense WoTLK. And During WoTLK they received so many complaints it effectively DDoSed their support channels.

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Multiple times? I only remembered one. well,really two dk in sw .

I thought you guys were all about “take it or leave it” when it came to the dinner table.

Because you didn’t get what you thought you’d get out of something just once in your life, you automatically hate it from that point on till you die? Once again; what kinda person does that?


The reply button thingy didn’t show up. The comment was to the person above read that statement.

While I loved the event back in Wrath and look forward to it again, with today’s playerbase there’s probably gonna be a lot of whining that people are being inconvenienced with the event.

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It’s hard to reason with someone who wasn’t told to eat their broccoli apparently. Without trying something how do you know you won’t like it?
It gets to the point where you can’t list ingredients that you used in the pasta that they loved just because you used a spice they thought they didn’t like.

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I got that information from Wowhead:

Currently on the PTR, the Capital Invasions are available to be tested. This event happened two times in the history of the game, once during Vanilla Patch 1.11 as a heralding for the Naxxramas raid and during the Wrath of the Lich King pre-patch event. Zombies are infecting players and you can either find an Argent Healer or succumb to the infection and become a zombie!

Personally, I think it’s lame to reuse events like this, even if it makes sense contextually, but to each their own.

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are you dumb? i never said its ok to force anything on anyone so whats your point?

just give people the option to opt out and chill…its not that serious

I don’t like PvP in this game? Sorry? I even tried a dedicated Frost Mage in BC-era PvP, but it just wasn’t fun to stalk and KO other players. Maybe I’m just too nice.

All I’m asking for is a toggle so I can say ‘No thanks.’ That’s it. Add that, and maybe some protections for quest NPCs (maybe spirit forms while dead/infected), and you lot can go absolutely crazy with it.

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Surely there is no way it hits live in the way WotLK event did, the community is so much less accepting now and people took it pretty hard back then.

There would be such an outcry if we saw it today lol.

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It currently looks the same, except I can’t seem to use any form of transportation that creates a loading screen without losing it.

I don’t recall vanilla event i came in wotlk time.

To those complaining about this event, try to understand that you’re not the only player in this game.

Not everything is about you. Not everyone is out to “get you”/“troll you”/“harm you”, etc… and blah blah ad naseum.

There are a lot of people who play this game, a lot who like different things than you!
It’s true!

And this event is geared toward them. You can take part in it, that’s fine but if you’re going to endlessly whine about it being a personal attack on you, “muh game time”, etc… and ad naseum, you are free to do something else.

No one is holding a gun or banana or anything else to your head.

Have a g’night.

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Yeah. ONLY argent healers, surrounded by ghouls no doubt, can purge it. and that depends on which of two versions you get. INFECTED or PESTILENCE. that affects how much time you have to get to one. and not every town has one. or they’re well hidden.

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Poor Quality but here is this.