They had the Balls, and Actually did it!

Good news, it does. As a zombie you are flagged as an NPC. You are not being attacked by players but NPCs. To help assist you in realizing this all the ghouls have no names and just show up as Infectious Ghoul.

It’s a PvE event.

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If it’s a PvE event, why am I fighting other players? My intelligence isn’t that low.

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Are you? all the Ghouls share the same name. I guess you do if your a ghoul but you could choose to explode and not attack players. That is your choice. so you are Consenting to PvP when you are a ghoul.


You could argue that time it takes you to get from orgrimmar/stormwind to Vale for questing dailies is a burden and stops you from doing what you want to do unless you take a long route to get there. This is no different, it’s more of a gameplay system than a pvp system. Ghouls are so under powered that they become easy to avoid. Mount up… This isn’t pvp where the player has plenty of tools at their disposal to dispatch you or make your life miserable.

Unless you can’t access the guild bank to get raiding supplies, which is what annoyed our entire raid team.

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I tired my purify which specifically states it removes diseases on my priest and it didn’t work.

Becomes really hard to turn in quests when the people responsible for said quests are red, either because they’re a ghoul or I’m one.

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Everyone has a summonable guild bank now :smiley:

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Oh. Rad. So it’s literally a no-way-out deal. Now I actively despise this event.


Don’t tease me, baby. I will buy Shadowlands if this pre-patch content goes live.

The original invasion was great fun. It’s been so long…


You know that could be a problem even on Warmode off without the zombie invasion right? Just takes a player choosing to kill that npc. You are not stopped from that in non warmode.


don’t bother here its like Boomer Union, just unfortunately stop playing for however long this event is (hopefully 1-2 weeks)


Why are you hating on something that you haven’t even experienced? What kinda person does that?

But was it a fun madhouse?

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When my kid was five, she would refuse to try broccoli because they looked like trees. Sometimes kids just refuse to try things.


Yes but I can at least wait there for the NPC to respawn and turn the quest in, provided there’s any kind of ample guard presence to discourage camping. I don’t have to then die myself because the internal system dice decided ‘welp you’re sick now’.

I ran this dog and pony show once in Wrath. It wasn’t great for me then, either.

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Why not just give people who dislike it an option out? very simple.

people who like it will play it, people who dont won’t. easy

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That’s true, but my point was, to say that the only people put out were AH bots is patently false.

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Have you not figured out. WoW is the type of game where you have to do things you don’t want to do in order to do the things you do.

You have a whole lot more than dice to rely on to not get zombied. Like I said… they’re easy to avoid. Just mount and run away. You can even out run them