They claim that pre-made teams aren't stacked

I’m not talking about disagreements man. Scroll through… If the comments still exist, you’ll see clearly what I’m talking about.

This is like a child running around a schoolyard screaming someone said a bad word hoping a teacher will hear them and then snidely act like they didn’t want the person who said it to get in trouble. If that wasn’t the case then you wouldn’t go full forum lawyer and pull up the EULA as if it gives you a moral high ground.


Ok… so you’re suggesting that using Discord is cheating.

So every single raiding guild that uses discord is cheating, because it provides an advantage over “other players not using such methods”.

When are you going to make your forum topic asking every single top end PVE guild to be banned for cheating?

This is rather easily fixed.

  1. Force the faction with instant queus into an artificial queu

  2. Use that artificial queu to divide players more evenly among a number of games that will then spawn at the same time.

  3. Make a -very- public example of at least one of these morons bragging about exploiting on the forums. Full honor/arena point wipe, all pvp gear wipe, and a 3 day ban should do it. It’s astounding to me that these degenerates even begin to try justifying circumvention established policyt that you shouldn’t be running premades in av, let alone sit around on the forums actively bragging about it.

  4. Remove all visable AV game numbers from ever being visible to the player

Should cut down on the majority of the premade shenanigans…

That simply leaves people who spam a discord at the start of an AV… and those can be individually actioned for exploiting. 1st offense 1 day deserter buff… 2nd offfense full honor/arena point and pvp gear wipe.

Take the gloves off and start slapping these degenerates out of the game.


That did not answer my question.

Wow you just dont want people to organize. How dare they in a MMORPG.

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Which has nothing to do with Styls being a trash player and a trash human being.

If you want to be the paragon of virtue for someone like that; that is your right.

However, don’t attempt to lecture me when I drag out for the world to see him for what he is;

A sub 500 5’s player being his only experience in pvp.

A gray and green parser in Kara. He is here to troll and insult and absolutely nothing else.

Yeah, it’s hard to say from my perspective given horde’s never really had anything like that, so I’m not going to comment on any form of gear check.

But I will note that when I go up against those premades (whether the Incendius AV premades from last year or the AV premades of the past week), you typically see the best geared alliance players or people that I’ve fought 10+ times according to SPY and are often regular premade players. I’m not going to name any names, but it’s literally a who’s who of typical premade players.

Heck a couple of them are ex-Blaumeux players that left for Whitemane and some other servers that I fought a bunch of times in phase 2 of classic.

It’s self-sorting in that way even with just a low bar for entry.

You also notice in these premades often 20+ from a single server like Whitemane and a ton from the same couple of guilds.

If you remove those players from the overall BG pool, the quality of the average pug group on the alliance side collapses. That’s the problem in my mind.

If they had actively changed raids to not allow premades multiple times before you blatantly used third party software to bypass those restrictions, then you might actually have a valid comparison.

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There are no premade teams to break up. There are players communicating on discord.

Reminds me of cops putting one of those LED signs that have a radar and post your speed. They put those right by thebspeed limit signs. People still speed. :man_shrugging:

Not in the one bg that has been changed multiple times SPECIFICALLY TO NOT ALLOW PREMADES in it, no.

Use the bg chat if you want to coordinate.

It was changed once. I mean you are allowed to use discord its not cheating I’m sorry bud no one will get banned for this.


Discord is an approved third party software.

Also this method isn’t a surefire thing. People join discord, queue at the same time, and hope they get into the same game. Sometimes you get 15/40 people. Other times you get 30/40 people.

This method of “cheating” has existed since original WOW when cross realms came into play.

You can limit or even break the ability to end up in the same game as people all hitting the queu button at roughly the same time just by forcing an artificial queu on the offending faction and spawning multiple games at once (and then having more games to divide them).

The larger concern is that people can then simply list a discord link in the 2minutes you get before the gates drop.

I really don’t see why they don’t just use the in-game chat at that point.

Aren’t alliance already having issues getting people into games? So you want them to be at a greater disadvantage? So instead of one AV with 40 alliance, you want eight AVs with five?

Horde can do this too.

The alliance found one advantage they have with their low population. They are able to utilize that for coordination. Better get rid of that.

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Honesty feels really good. Being honest fair feels good you should try

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There is definitely regulars and some people there just to want to crush out some AV wins but for the most part its now just TBCers farming honor because the system is trash and they gotta purchase gear as opposed to P6ers farming honor because the system is trash and they gotta hit caps.

But, isn’t sportsmanship un-American?