They claim that pre-made teams aren't stacked

ahahah I took your insignia over and over at FWGY, and havent lost a game in 2 days seethe, and cope!

you wont make me a victim am always the hunter. I aven t done AV since the bg.

Am exalted with all the bg in this game.

Also people who are afraid of coping are weak. Human cope every day with the reality of life. Get off your podium before i corps camp you in a horde vs horde wsg

coping- intransitive verb. 1a : to deal with and attempt to overcome problems and difficulties

So you’re not playing TBC? Cool your opinion isnt valid then byeeeeeee

give me some food here all you say is weak that bot my character boeef cloned classic this is my tbc char

Now who are you boy. I got outplayed once this week and i remember who it was. I sure dont remember doing av after the bg change. I been lvling and ally druid though.

Dont pretend you know me when you dont.

you probably as good as those hunter

was that english?

yes you speak it or you sound like you do. Now ask me if i care about ally premade when i get instant wsg queue ?

Here it is you are sad cuz i dont care

Dec. 31, 2007, 8:29 p.m.

Oh hey, I was right.

Must be Thursday.

you’re an actual pepega lmfao get farmed at FWGY. COPE AND SEETHE!

This is so funny.


coping- intransitive verb. 1a : to deal with and attempt to overcome problems and difficulties

Dec. 31, 2007, 8:29 p.m.

Players will always find a way around the system. That’s nothing new. This is an old game and people know how to made shortcuts. All it does is ruin the player experience for others.

They might be having fun in a 30 man pre-made but rest of us aren’t. It’s nothing new as this style of play has been in the game for a long time. It’s just easier now.

So once again thank you meta players for destroying classic then blaming blizzard.

The only time I will say that blizzard hurt the game is retail. So far changes to TBC are fine and actually well thought out. Guess too many people live in fear that TBC will become retail…sad thing is players made this more like retail than the devs.

Good job wow community way to become the thing you hated.

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coping- intransitive verb. 1a : to deal with and attempt to overcome problems and difficulties

Coping is not a bad thing dont be afraid to cope young one

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I’m getting by just fine. Its you other zug morons who need to learn what cope means :slight_smile:

You know, when Alliance were trying to do the rush meta you could have thought about what the Alliance wanted or what would make it fun for them. But you didn’t. Honestly don’t blame you because that’s just silly. Whining now about it not being fun for YOU is just as silly - not to mention hypocritical.

i just gave you the definition.

We should all know what cope mean by now

Dec. 31, 2007, 8:29 p.m.

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I’m not creative enough to tell you frankly. But then, I’m not paid to be.

In theory they’d be punishing for actions done in game, such as ignoring queues that pop when there’s not enough players from the disc, or the like.

You couldn’t build a case with one queue or even a couple, but you could probably establish a pattern over a long enough time to ban someone.

That’s a lot of work, but I could see it happening if they care enough. People said the same kind of thing “What can they even do to break this?!?!” over spy in vanilla classic IIRC. Then they lowered the range of the combat log to almost nothing.

I don’t work for blizz, I don’t need to come up with what their answer will be. But if they think it’s a big enough problem, they will probably do something.

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for the last time @blairice

Dec. 31, 2007, 8:29 p.m.

ask me if i enjoy posting on bot my druid ? It triggered you the first time just fishing for another lucky shot?

I play both horde and alliance. I have no issue with the rush style of game play for AV. It’s just another way to play chess when you think about it. It’s a strategy. Yet horde will block that strat.

I take issue that rush meta for everything in wow is the new normal. Its taken the life out of the game. This is how I feel for both pvp and pve.

I’m the type of player who would rather have fun in a BG. Even if I’m on alliance I don’t mind 45 minute games. They get annoying when I’m focused on gearing. But then I tend to just have fun playing instead of being focused on honor per hour.

I guess people forgot that PVP is supposed to be fun and about pvp…not pve.

Also the games not fun for me on horde and alliance. I’m not making my post about faction issue. I still think people are silly for crying about factions. I spent all of retail hearing how blizzard favors alliance. Now it’s blizzard favors horde.

I’m not having fun so I’m not playing. Maybe in a later phase I will play. For now I’m just making comments based on what I’ve seen as a long time player of this game.

Dont at me you jerrys kid. you’re talking in unintelligible broken english. so I assume you’re a trash bag from another country lol. Until a blue post stating otherwise is up thats the gospel. I assume you think the ToS doesnt count as well since its from 15 years ago too? You’re an actual 62 IQ idiot. Stop talking in general.

am French Canadien too bad my connection is perfect my victim in this game are in the millions.

I dont care if you premade or not you will still die when i wanna kill you in this AV believe me !

my tbc druid hurt a lot.

we are using low iq insult now.

I though you could entertain me a bit more.

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horde is bis