They broke WQ for pre-70, they phased 70s from pre-70s?

Apparently its a new feature now that if you’re not 70, you can’t see other 70s on the DF maps? I haven’t seen any outside of Vald, and tryin to do the elite WQ on my 68 priest isn’t possible since any 70 who joins is now in “Chromie Time”. The only other person I could see was another pre-70 who joined. Why the heck is this a thing?? No wonder i haven’t seen anyone on the map!


possibly an anti-carry mechanic?


But… DF isn’t Chromie Time? I’m confused. Sounds like a weird bug.


Same this is new since the prepatch started. Not sure how we’re supposed to get the elite WQ done with it being like this :frowning:

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Two things, I’m pretty sure level 70s are not in Chromie time because even if we could be, Chromie time would end at 70 because it would be going into the next expansion content, similar to how hitting 60 forced you out of Chromie time to do Dragonflight content.

Second thing, elite WQ? At 68? Might need to group but uh, good luck grouping for world content in DF at the moment, if you can’t solo it, might need to skip it.


They are invisible to me despite standing next to their dot, and they have the swirl icon over their profile that when I mouse over it says “Currently in: timewalking campaigns: (blank, it doesn’t list the campaign); You can’t see them until they leave Timewalking or you enter it.” So yes they are in “timewalking”. This wasn’t the case before the patch hit. I can’t see any 70s on the map, even when my friends fly over to me who are 70 while I am 68. Someone said it earlier it seems to be an anti-carry or something because the ONLY way I can see a 70 is in a major city.

What I mean to say is, level 70s cannot do Chromie time. You might be the one that is phased.


The result is the same though is kind of my point, just reporting what the tooltip tells me. My issue isn’t which one of us is in chromie, time, its that 70s and pre70s have now been separated in the open world via some kind of chromie time mechanic in DF zones.

Yes, also having this problem trying to get a 70 friend do the field of ferocity for me. Its impossible to get a group for and theres no 70s around to help since theyre phased to lowbies.

Party sync doesnt work either. Whats the point in the sync if we cant use it to help friends level? :frowning:

I’m not a huge alt leveler, but isn’t it actually 61 that forces characters out of Chromie Time? Which I guess would be 71 now.

I just created a brand new character on my second account, selected Dragonflight as my Timeline with Chromie went off to the Dragon Isles. Got off the boat and handed in the first quest.

Logged into my main account on a level 70 and flew to that area in Waking Shores.

Sure enough I could not see my alt, we grouped, still couldn’t see the alt, alt was party leader and level 10, hit Party Sync, and it worked, my Level 70 is now restricted to 61.

Both character can see WQ on the map.


(This is Prieyre, its just changed my character on the forums for some reason)

The problem is my level 63 alt cant access chromie time. There is no option to leave or join at chromie. It seems the 60-69s are in an alternative DF that cant be toggled on or off with chromie.

I was wondering why my sub-70s couldn’t even see world events like Fyrakk assaults.

Last time I leveled back in S2, sub-70s could get the weekly from Valdrakken as well as participate in all the world events - now both are gone - like WTF.


This patch isn’t doing much to encourage me to stick around. Major features (warband banks) don’t even work and bugs abound, but even stuff like basic leveling and farming old content are broke.

My leveling characters (60+) can’t access / Chromie Time other expansions NOR can they just stay in DF as normal and group up with 70s and do content I could do last week.

My maxed characters that were running SL content for mog last week now face bosses with over 2X the HP doing 2X the damage as before for no f-ing reason.



Decided to try my level 60, went to SW, Chromie Time not available. Got to Waking Shore, logged into a level 70 on 2nd account, phasing again. This time though trying to add my own alt as a friend worked for the level 70, but showed the alt as offline, the level 60 got “player not found” as an option when trying to add friend.

My level 60 could see another player there - they were level 67.
My level 70 could see another player there - they were also 70.
Neither character could see each other, 70 could not see the 67, 60 could not see the 70.

So it appears something very funky is indeed going on.

I’ve never tried to do an elite WQ at level 68, so I don’t get why anyone would want to try to do that.


I haven’t spent enough time in-game after the TWW pre-patch, but if what you’re saying is true, I wonder if it might somehow be connected to this from the patch notes: "Dragonflight content is now the new default leveling experiences for levels 10 to 70 (was Battle for Azeroth). " From my perspective, BfA gameplay changed significantly when pre-patch content associated with Shadowlands was released.

yet they allow channels 4/5 to clutter cities.
there’s no consistency to their thoughts
and actions.


Nah. Now at level 60, you can’t speak to Chromie and adjust anything. I don’t know how long it’s been that way, but it was before the prepatch.

This is extremely annoying, I hope they fix this! I cant even help my wife level up her lvl 64 Priest, she is completely new to PC gaming and Warcraft this is her first ever character and she’s totally lost without my help and guidance. The only way I can help and guide her is in-game on one of my many 70s, I don’t have any characters near her level and it would take a week for me to start and level up a new character to join her. I thought this was what Party-Sync was for, its totally useless now, and now my wife doesn’t even want to play the game if I cant join her, which will soon make her want to cancel her subscription after I just forked out $105 for her TWW expansion and 1 month subscription, what a waste! @Blizzard please fix this immediately or you will lose mass customers, I’ve been playing 18 years and this is a major disappointment. If I cant play the game with my lower level friends and family then I’ll have no choice but to cancel subscription and quit Warcraft for a couple years again, for the 3rd and possibly final time!

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Yup I read about this last night. The sub-70 can’t group with 70 anymore for WQ which is extremely weird.