They broke WQ for pre-70, they phased 70s from pre-70s?

This. Anti-carrying mechanic, I.e. a pointless “fix” to a non-existent problem, would fit right in with how scatterbrained their modern development approach seems to be.

At least they’re leaving the bugs with random layer switching and awful low level scaling alone though.


Just chiming in here as well. My daughter wanted to play this morning so we were going to level together. I turned on party sync, no dice. Phased from her. Not sure how to fix or if there is a fix at all at this point.


yeah I tried to complete an elite wq yesterday and started a group for it. I was doing it for the gear upgrade. Every single person that joined was “timewalking”. I figured it was a bug and left it alone, but this is intended? Why even have the elite wq available to me if I can’t complete it? I guess just list my group and sit around and wait for sub 70s to join? This is so dumb ngl.

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It was 60, but you got placed in a weird “limbo” until 61. Hitting 60 would get the pop ups saying you’ve been kicked out, but you were then put into the default BfA until 61.

That could be the problem, at 70 people are placed in a default DF mode.

another absurdly prohibitive idea.
they should spend more time
fixing what’s broken and less
breaking what’s working.

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xxxxxxxxxx lbs of doo-doo
in a x lb doo-doo bag.

Was leveling with my friend. I hit 70 and he’s still 67. The game just straight up phased us apart. We tried sync, leaving group, him inviting me, all that stuff. This is kind of unbelievable considering the game is suppose to be an MMO where you can adventure with friends.

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This is so stupid. I have the Last Hurrah quest and even the quest Fyrakk’s Forces, both wanting me to go to the Suffusion Camp. I go there and it’s not there. I’m level 63. I do not want to be in Chromie time. I was not in any Chromie time prior to prepatch launching. I was leveling like normal in the Waking Shore.

There was nothing preventing level 61’s from being carried by level 70’s before prepatch in Dragon Isles, whether for the Suffusion Camp or any other difficult world quest/event. If people don’t want to be in time walking, let them leave!

What’s the point of having community events in Dragonflight Chromie time if no one can participate in it?!

Still not fixed. Playing with my wife, she got lvl 70 and I cant see her anymore. We also have a friend that plays less frequently than us and is lvl 30, so we probably wont be able to play with him anymore till he gets to 70 and that can make him quit playing… As many have said, this makes no sense, we just want to play with our friends.