They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

It is still described as a pet, and functions similarly in all but pathing and direct commands. It’s the same thing as Dire Beast is for BM, or how the Shadowbest is for Priests.

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Where does it say it can be toggled? Even the 11.1 talent trees on Wowhead show you have no choice but to take talents for it if you want to use Trueshot aura. There is no option.

OH look. No option to toggle, either. You just get it at level 13.


You turn it on and off for lone wolf or no.

Lone wolf will no longer exist, as you cannot summon any pet at all other than the spotting eagle in MM as of the 11.1 notes currently available.

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Could be, hard to tell what they’re getting at exactly… They say it’s not in the game space, then they call it a pet with customizations. Kind of contradictory. We’ll know for sure once we can get on PTR.

Everybody said that you toggled it on and of for lone wolf and I swear I read it as such. Remove eagle too.

I suggest you read the announcement on the PTR forums, and the Wowhead changes - there is no option to toggle. It’s always on from 13 forwards. Not sure what “everybody” you are referring to, but it’s been clear since they announced this was not the case.

Whether it’s in the ‘game space’ or not, it’s a pet you are forced to take and used, and I am opposed to it on that basis alone.

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I don’t recall seeing this anywhere. I think one of the blue posts Rae quoted covers it best;


No really, on earlier forums I was seeing it argued that it was toggleable and I read it on the page that I am reading something different on now. idk if they changed it or if I misread but I swear that was my impression this whole time. And I did read the changes.

In fairness, I personally skimmed. But I was always under the impression the bird was (essentially) not optional.

It’s why I keep calling it the government-mandated bird.


Thanks for setting me straight. I am anti-bird. I am anti any pet. Even if it’s not really a pet in the same sense.


Can’t trust 'em. They’re always up to something.

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Eh , marksmanship hardly used pets anymore because they screw up raid mechanics. Its cool, I guess.

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What was the raid mechanic problem? I haven’t heard of that one.

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I haven’t heard of raid mechanic issues around pets since Vanilla… but I also haven’t paid much attention to the raid scene.

If you are citing group play/lack of utility, I’d say you are ignoring the crux of most of the arguments.

MM is not ruined for us because we don’t have a pet, but our solo ability might be hampered, or ruined, without a pet.

Here is the thing some seem to be missing:
MM pet utility can be split into 2 groups:

  1. solo play, main pet utility here is pocket tank
  2. group play, this is where the lust argument rests, and where most of us would be glad if we never have to summon the pet for lust.

My feedback might be along the lines of:

  1. allow tenacious to turn the eagle into a tank like pet, just something to hold the mob while we either kill it or set up the tools needed to kite (traps) or, faling that, allow it to set up decoys (thing the target dummies/love fools) that will serve the same purpose
  2. allow us to modify the appearance based on pets we have tamed
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its only really a problem for survival since pet pathing can put it all the way in narnia. this is not ideal for us due to our mastery relying on us being within a certain range of our pet and requires either clever use of (i forget the talents name that lets you shield people from crits) or just creating a macro or dedicating a button to have your pet be in range for you to benefit from your mastery.

Ok, but that’s SV, not MM causing issues. So, there is no issue with pets causing problems for MM in raids then?

Queen and other stuff fixates on hunter pets , bosses reset if a pet is targetted and is in a spot deemed unpathable, etc. Basically, spaghetti code. They design the game around the elite and the noob. Both have issues with pets screwing up things. If anything, pets cause a majority of issues in mmo design and balance. Ffxiv fixed the issue by making pets unable to interact in any way outside of damage. Ffxi and wow have the opposite issue where pets can just soak up meaningful mechanics, cause server or client issues, or cause bosses to glitch.

In short, mmo design should be to never have pets as an attackable target by enemies. Pet damage should just be another spell/ability cast, but with visual flair.

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other than reducing your damage output from not taking lw, i dont think so. the mm kit does not interact with your pet in any meaningful way