I agree with you absolutely, but I think we’re in the minority. Its my opinion that regardless of what many of the players say; they want AE run as full speed from boss to boss basically ignoring mechanics, trash, and anything to do with anything and simply collect loot without any real effort.
That’s what players seem to like; personally I hate it but this is what you will find that players actually secretly love.
for rep grinding its not heroics you want anyway, you just want to do normal level 80 dungeons on repeat, they give half the rep of the heroic but you dont have to fly all over the world to do them.
Think you missed the point, but yes I already know people want all the PVE to be a snooze regardless of being end game or not. IMO they even want the raids to be a complete snooze also; its Wrath, and so they are.
No i didn’t miss the point, you missed the point, heroics in wrath just like TBC exist to get us badges, so we can get gear for raiding if we’ve had bad RNG. If you view dungeons as end game content your playing the wrong game.
Why I said in the past welcome to future mythic wrath dungeon lol. More classic zealots don’t like that word. its too retail I guess lol.
its the only way I see it going down. Take away mythic affixes like necrotic and you got heroic dungeon…with HP sponge mobs and player damage mitigation decreases. that can me muscled just as well once raid gears starts to flow.
I could be wrong. time till tell. but…yeah. Even necrotic week has many ksm/ksh folks going “dude, this is gonna suck.”
The key being the only reason you did them. But plenty of people loved getting gear and getting more powerful and then dominating Heroics. To the mass casuals that was their Wrath experience.
You want challenge? Do those heroic raids. You want challenging dungeons? Go play Retail. Let Wrath be Wrath.
I love how a lot of the folks who dumped on TBC as the “wrath waiting room” are starting to panic as they realize the things that messed up TBCC are only getting worse for WotLK-C.
The modern gaming min/max mindset that resulted in gamers being so over-prepared that most raid encounters in TBC just melted is only getting worse as Wrath is probably the single most “solved” iteration of WoW. Even 0 Lights and H LK25 aren’t going to be that hard when you know absolutely everything that will happen in the fight and are so min/maxed that you’re pumping numbers the devs back then wouldn’t even think were possible.
The more Blizzard tries to change Wrath to satisfy that crowd the more miserable everyone will be. The people who wanted a genuine Wrath experience won’t get it and the min/maxers won’t get the challenge they want because no amount of buffing encounters can make up for the fact that the mechanics of each fight are already completely known & solved.
Welcome to Wrath. It’s not for everybody. Retail offers just what you seek.
Blizz tried appeasing the 1% of e-sport players with SoM and that was a total disaster. Because most players don’t need an epic challenge from an old game. They could play Retail for that. They just want to wreak havoc, and that’s where Wrath shines.