These tank nerfs are terrible top to bottom

Blizzard is a horrible company. They do not play their own game. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone anymore.

Yeah, sure, buddy, you keep talking your ship until the queues are 2 hours long.

Buts not +20 lolz its m0, heroic and normal -This is pre-season content . :rofl:

You are delusional if you think a 10% increase in damage taken is going to significantly impact queue times, if at all.


Oh My!! I think they will find healers will be getting overwhelmed…a lot of group damage in instances that have healers focused on keeping dps alive…now that focus will be on tanks and the dps will die more often. I doubt it will be fun for healers


Roll them back for PVE but leave them in for PVP. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Queue times? Bro wtf is doing heroics dungeon queues lmao…

it’s just a weird blanket nerf. brew does silly damage (i’m a big idiot and i’m doing 30-40k overall this week in m0) and this doesn’t impact this at all. what it does hurt is our survivability which wasn’t a strong point for the spec in the first place.

i healed a 320ish guardian in m0 uldaman tonight and that was no picnic. it was like healing a rogue. several times a dps died because i was just trying to keep the tank up. finished at almost 20k overall hps.

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It can actually be argued to be a small buff to Blood dks. Now our mastery stat will be noticeably stronger and will grant us larger shields/heals from death strike as we take a bit more damage.

I could be wrong but isn’t 320 a bit low for M0?

Entirely skill dependent. I have seen many 360-370 struggle to stay alive and do damage compared to lower geared players who know what they are doing.

Then idk because Guardian Druids have quite a few 1-3 mins defensive CDs.

What kind of game is this going to be if tanks take damage?

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I feel like a completely different game.

The amount of hunters complaining about not being able to keep up with a gigapulling tank is astonishing.

Of all classes that can keep up, hunter is -the- spec that should have no problem what so ever. Lol. Thats a pure skill issue, through and through.

What gets tiresome are people who have no iota of a chance of ever getting anywhere near 15+ keys complaining about a tank gigapulling in an m0 as if it mattered, and whats even more tiresome is how blizzard always has to pander to them. This is why i never tank for PUGs anymore on my tanking alts.

why? i thought tanks were invincible?

he’s an experienced tank who was pulling big. i’ve healed for him for a while now so it was no big deal at all.

my point was just that people are watching vdh and prot war in trivial content (m0s) and saying “wow, tanks need to be nerfed!” and it doesn’t make much sense to me.

This expansion already sucks for heals though; and this just adds to it. They said heals had it easy; increase health and damage taken so they do more work, and with that most (few exceptions and some just got nerfed) dps self heal sucks! They put interupts in weird places and since some heals have access to them now added the amount needed to handle mobs, or heals have to do more work. Healing at level and not above sucks in some dungeons bad! And I agree that tanks were too much at current; but, right before season starts and it puts more on heals yet again. Currently heals can choose more aoe/group talents since we don’t have to hard focus tanks, but to mitigate constant group damage; and my concern is… CAN WE AT LEAST DRINK OUR MANA WATER FASTER!!!

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I feel bad for Brewmasters. I was already kinda iffy on healing them in M+ because they require so much babysitting. I’m honestly probably just going to actively avoid grouping with them now.


it’s especially weird to me that people who neither tank nor heal have such strong opinions about what needs to be changed for people who do both :thinking:

With the way things were going you would of ended up with a 2 hour que but it wouldn’t be because no ones playing tank.