These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

The walk the dinosaur song.

They break an orc’s neck in the Walk the Dinosaur song?

Oh that? I have no idea.

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It’s the worst double standard ever.

“Gore, violence, death, all of that good stuff is good! but don’t you dare show a lady’s bare boob or a guy’s john OR YOU’RE IN TROUBLE BUDDY!”


It’s a peculiar conundrum. It is bigger than a game company, though.

Let’s say that you were at work and someone walks by you during your break and they see your phone. They see violence and orcs and think nerd. Now imagine instead of orcs they see naked anime girls. You’re probably not going to be working there any longer.

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Yeah, Warcraft is an entire series based around race wars, genocide, slavery, etc. and has god-queens in thongs but a Wilma Flintstone skirt is too much.

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Yeaaah… It’s one of the things that kind of baffles me when you look at our progess throughout history. We went from being all about glory in battle/the hunt and not really being all that bothered if Brok forgot his pants or Selua decided to wander around without her shirt on …to I’m not even entirely sure what’s going on with today’s society.

No, I was just having a bit of a grumble about the way people are about even -mildly- sexy things versus violence ranging from cartoonish to full on -disgustingly- brutal. No Orcs ever got harmed in the making of that Walk the Dinosaur song.

…as far as I’m aware!

It’s just something I’ve really come to hate because it seems like these people that make such a LOUD outcry of that completely ignore that hey, we’re kind of -born- in flesh, you know. We all have human parts. It seems …potentially dangerous to the mental health of future generations to be quite so edgy about it, when we have so much violent material around.

It’s just strange. If you’re not worried about blood and guts in a dark fantasy, why is a bared boob so awful? I rememebr when people were getting angry at women breastfeeding their babies in public. Like …seriously?

The more I think about it, the more grumpy it makes me. Sigh.


And now I’m waiting for an expose.

:t_rex: vs Orc.

…there’s no Orc emoji, I think. Sorry. :frowning:

I can’t believe Was (Not Was) slaughtered so many orcs so their dancers could wear the loincloths.

They had to get genuine loincloths from somewhere! Besides, if there’s one thing RPGs have taught me, it’s that you’ve got to delve deep into dungeons to find really cool armors/weapons/clothes. And sometimes this means fighting the monsters that inhabit the place!

…actually that happens a lot. Hm.

Sometimes I wonder what an RPG would be like if they allowed you to reach so high a Charisma score thaty ou could just …charm your way throgh entire dungeons no matter what monsters were inhabiting it. Zombies? Psh, say braaains and they let you pass. Vampires? Just wink and do some …suave seduction thingy and somehow the vampires will think you’re one of them. Or something.

The list goes on!

It could be an achievement…

Orcs? Tell them you can offer them a great deal on axes and they’re hooked.

Elves? Compliment their ears and they’ll love you.

Robots? Say their metal frames look particularly shiny today and they will deem you a fleshie with their head on straight.

Eldritch abomination? Say you’re blind to their incomprehensibleness and they’ll spare you!

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starts taking down notes Got to be prepared… apocalypse could come at any time and my charisma may be the only thing that saves me!

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There’s a game that does that - Undertale. While I can’t say I enjoy the gameplay in the slightest, it is the most adorable game I’ve ever seen and it can be entirely played through without taking a single life. I wont spoil anything else - you can only experience it once, after all. :slight_smile:

Edit --> It’s sorta-sequel Deltarune is free, too, if you want a taste of the universe that wont harm your experience of Undertale. I personally cannot stand it, but that’s just because it seems utterly pointless to me. Bias and all that. It stands on its own fine, I suppose, even if it doesn’t stand -out-.


I wasn’t sure whether to bump this thread or post a new topic and, since posting a new topic is scary :confounded:, bumping it is. Anyway:

since we’re at day 15 of the new forums, most of us should be hitting TL2 which means our likes have gone up! :+1:


Yes, though the forums didn’t launch until night time so it should be later today, unless I missed a day during the holidays.


I’m level 2.

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How can you tell?

Add a .json to the HTML of your profile page and look for groups; your highest trust level group is your trust level. You’re a TL2, Taldorr.

id 12
automatic true
name “trust_level_2”
display_name “trust_level_2”

Huh. Strange that we have to use a bit of code to figure it out when Blizz could… you know… give us notifs about our trust levels. But hey, they’re just a small indie company, they can’t possibly afford that. /s

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